Miracle Box

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damn, i was hoping you wouldnt say that :(

yeah, it seems i might have to use heaps of beer line, really would have prefered SS but oh well maybe its not to be.

But if anyone else knows where to source a similar coil from, can you let me know.

Kman, I've seen 1/4" stainless coils for sale on US ebay (will post worldwide) for bargain prices. I'll see if I can find the ones and post the link.

cheers for that justin, might look into that for the future, but for right now i have a deadline of getting everything up and running by new years, so shipping time might be an issue.

Price too might be an issue, because the one GMK had were 15m, which i think is over 45 feet, and at $1US per foot and then add on shipping, it would probably come out being close to $70 or so i guessing. But ill email them and find out.

Also i think bunnings sell copper tubing, does anyone know if that would be suitable, and what it costs? And where would i go to get it coiled properly?

thanks for the surggestions justin
I have a couple of SS coils at home.
I will try to remember to take a piccy tonight and get some measurements, but generally, I would guesstimate a 6-8mm diameter, with a coil length of less than 300mm containing at least 10m of tube..... as I say, let me measure it all up, and I will get back to you.

very interesting, very interesting indeed.

If the tubing is 6mm id be pretty keen to take it off your hands
Well you could use copper tubing too. 1/4" cost around $4p/m so it might add up quick but because you only plan to use it for parties and it's not a permanent set up it copper wouldn't matter (no different to a CFC). Also easy to bend.

Surprised even myself by remembering to take photo's last night, and even more so, by bringing the camera with me to download them!!!

The two coils shown are slightly different.
Both are around 8mm diameter (couldn't find the micrometer to be sure).
Both have 20 coils.
The smaller one contains around 6m of tube, the larger 7.2m. The straight sections of each coil are 80mm, with 45mm and 65mm bends respectively. one end of each has a flared fitting, and the other is pressed and welded to close it off.


i think 8mm would be too big, and couldnt cool the beer properly (as less surface area of beer would be touching the coil)

6mm stuff you be the go i think
Thats me on page 1 :)

I got a fridge extension for my esky to stick a pull down tap on the side, havent got around to installing yet as ive been too lazy.

Anyway... to answer kmans question, i had my beer cooled in the fridge, not freezing but cool. I had the keg out at room temp for 4-5 hours and the beer was still pouring very cold. My esky must be pretty good as the ice cubes still hadnt melted the next morning... mind you it was a cold night.

BTW kman, are u using that thermostat in your freezer?

yeah i am poodz, got it too work in the end, the highest it sits at in my freezer was 1 degree, any other setting it would freeze the beer, thats thats alright, cos i like em cold.

the only incident ive had with it so far was when i had heaps of people over, and we kept opening and closing the lid, i think the change in air temps kept triggering it to start, and frooze 2 kegs. I think i can remedy that by covering the temp sensor with something, so its not affected as much.

i like the idea of the mounted tap, i think when i order some stuff from the states ill invest in a few, and maybe a proper 2 circuit cooler plate, so i can have two kegs running from a very small esky cooler with 2 mounted taps

should look a treat. But ill save that for about mid next year, first ill get this baby up and running. Mine will be pretty much exactly the same as yours, with the picnic tap and cooling coil in a medium esky
Glad to hear the thermostat is working for u kman. I had a cover over the temp sensor. Wish i hadnt sold it now as it turns out i think my freezers snuffed it...

Anyway, just wish i had a few more occasions to use my miracle box!!! xmas is coming up and new years. I think it might get some service then.
i think once i have finished my box, it will be close to the most used piece of brewing equipment i own. As im a 20yr old uni student, so it will be somewhere at a party every weekend, and during holidays, it will be in use most days.

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