Mid year NSW Case Swap 2015

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I have a choice of 2 beers fermenting for this at the moment. Both APAs one with cascade and Amarillo and one with galaxy and home grown cascade flowers. Will see which one tastes better after some dry hopping.
marksy said:
How are you keeping it @22?
ive got a reptile heat chord draped around the freezer.
last winter i used an aquarium heater in a laundry tub. if you need to keep your beer warm, the aquarium heater is excess to requirement at my place. im sure i could be convinced to let it go for a beer or two ;)
Hey Barls,

The week leading up to the case swap, what is time that I could possibly drop off my share of the case swap? I have monday 15th off, then I`m working everyday, so could drop off in evening.

Pick up dates, not sure yet on work.

Cheers mate.

ill be home on monday all day with the exception of between 11-12.30. other than that I'm home most nights from 5.30
also anyone who needs my address pm me and ill send it through
Pratty1 said:
^ ^ couple of question:
Mash temp ?
Yeast ?
Does it taste sweet?
Hydro reading or refractometer?
Feeling a little red-faced now.

A couple of months ago the SWMBO broke my hydrometer, of course it was my fault for leaving it out ;) Went out a bought a new one with my next order which happened to be a porter (see nizmoose base porter thread) this also stalled at 1.020, same as this hefe. Only just remembering that today I did what I should have done the first day I got it which was to do a plain water test. Came out at 1.004 didn't it!

So bottle the hefe today after some chilling overnight at 14c it read 1.019, adjusted to 1.018 for temperature, adjusted to 1.014 for my off hydrometer. Phew! That's more like it!

(And 22c was achieved somewhat inefficiently by putting in the bathroom with the heat lights on)
Got to admit I was a bit pi$$ed when I signed up for this, about to bottle tonight so may not be ready to drink come swap day. Actually got to look for what bottles I have, will aim for 750 but may be a little on the short side :-/. Is this a show stopper? Also, added my name to the food list, any idea on what else we want to bring along for food?



1. Pratty1 - Robust Porter
2. Hou5eCat - Hop Gobbler ESB
3. MikeyR - John West IPA (it's a chinook)
4. Out
5. Out
6. Masters- Lager
7. Marksy - ESB
8. Motch
9. Topher - Stout with cold drip coffee (my own roast).
10.Paulyman - Pale Ale
11.reman - Hefeweizen
12. Skb
13. barls - smoked brown
14. Josh
15. n87 - Schwartz Vienna Lager
16. Cortez - Oaked RIS - 8.3% - RTD - Recipe http://hyperfox.info...grain01.htm#162
17. Digety
18. Contrarian
19. Fatgodzilla
20. mb-squared - APA or IPA
21. Hobospy - Innis & Gunn Clone


1. Masters + Eager brew assistant
2. n87
3. Mikeyr
4. Paulyman + SWMBO
5. Cortez (well for as long as I can entertain the kids...)
6. Digety
7. Reman + kiddies (is that ok?)
8. Hobospy

Masters - Ribs (for smokin)
n87 - nice fresh bread and rolls, can grab some gourmet snags if there isnt going to be enough food already
mikeyr - Happy to contribute anything... how about home made coleslaw to go with the ribs and roll? Maybe some Buffalo Wings!
Paulyman - Homemade potato salad.
Cortez - Cheeses + cold cuts
Reman - Greek salad and some bangers
Don't worry about the due date, I made mine last night, pitched Burton Ale yeast this morning, fermentation is about to kick into gear....wont be ready for consumption till mid August.
Cool, now I just have to hope I have good lot of bottles, think they are either 660 or 700 or 750 or something ... :-/
I actually prefer it if the drink now dates are spread out a bit, my liver will thank me.
yeah the major concern is its in a bottle not if its ready or not.
OK, seems my first case swap is turning into a bit of a balls up. Anywhoo, everyone OK with me having 700/750ml bottles? I haven't got enough of one size, most will be 750, bit ****, happy to drop out if this is going to cause an issue :/
Just tasted mine again tonight. Enjoyable. A few more weeks in the cellar and a week in the fridge and itll be nice.

Smaller bottles I am personally fine if its 680. Its more for me about exchanging beers and tasted others.

hobospy said:
OK, seems my first case swap is turning into a bit of a balls up. Anywhoo, everyone OK with me having 700/750ml bottles? I haven't got enough of one size, most will be 750, bit ****, happy to drop out if this is going to cause an issue :/
so long as you have beer in bottles it doesn't matter if they are a touch short.
Cool, thanks everyone, just got to make sure I am a little more prepared for the next swap :)

Beer is now bottled, I tasted it and it seemed quite good for a first attempt ......
If you are anywhere cronulla i have a shitload of bottles im trying to get rid of.

Or for less than 20bucks you can get a box of plastic 750ml bottles from the lhbs.
Barls I have to disappear overseas now on the 12th and get back the Sunday 21st. Are you ok if I drop a case around your joint before the 12th and pick up the swap on the 21st

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