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All home brewers should subscribe to "Beer and Brewer" magazine to support our love for Australian beer. (I have no relationship to the Magazine). In early 2000 there was a magazine called "Best Beer" which went bust after a couple of issues. "Beer and Brewer" is good for the microbrewing industry (where my interests are) and home brewing. I have enjoyed all 3 issues so far. It takes me about 3 months to read it which is good timing for the next issue.
http://www.isubscribe.com.au/beerandbrewer/ (Subscribe here)
david@beerandbrewer.com (email ideas here).

PRBS is in June this year. Closing dates for entry is about May 2nd. Last year there were about 250 entries and over 50 home brews. 1 home brew was apparently one of the best beers in the comp. Not sure what entry is but not much - you get constructive feedback from top judges plus ticket to presentation = beer. RAS are looking for sponsors if your keen. All PRBS entries must be brewed in Australia which differentiates it from other top beer awards. AIBA (2nd biggest in world) PRBS and SRBC (Sydney) are big RAS ran competitions.

Excise kills the microbrewing industry. The craft beer market is booming but the high start up cost and low profit margin hurt the industry hard. Sign the online petition.

Just a word in for Allan. I dont think he was knocking constructive criticism, he's just a brewer with passion and it not easy to take. He wants constructive criticism but doesnt want people not going to visit because of others constructive feedback. Constructive criticism needs to get to the brewer to make it constructive.

Great brewer Hugh Dunn is now with ECU. They are starting new course and making entry easier. hdunn@ozemail.com.au

Its worth mentioning, Dean Mcleod - DIG who is often on this website has won back to back AIBA best brewery. This is unheard of (I guess he did study with me).

Brendan Varis from Feral is a judge at the Beer World Cup in San Diego.

A free plug for me - if you like AFL or S14 tipping then try www.nwtc.com.au . Create tipper opens soon. Costs $55 but different then all other tipping in that it works on the odds of a team winning. Lots of brewers enter (Dig nearly won last season).

For microbrewing industry news see - www.microbrewing.com.au

Beers empty. Dig sucks.
This looks like a good idea for a blog.
Great brewer Hugh Dunn is now with ECU. They are starting new course and making entry easier. hdunn@ozemail.com.au
Good news.
The post-grad entry requirement was rediculous.
So who are you spesh, and do you realise that your post seems rather pompous and patronizing?
I used to check out your site fairly often.Then for some reason the homebrewer section was removed.
I dont check it very often these days as it seems to be micro industry based.

Big D
It takes me about 3 months to read it which is good timing for the next issue.

wow... you must be reading at a rate of about a paragraph a day..! :lol: :icon_chickcheers:
wow... you must be reading at a rate of about a paragraph a day..! :lol: :icon_chickcheers:

You must be worse at maths than I am at reading and speling.

The reason it takes so long to read is I lost a bet and must read it with a beer balanced on my head. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=3694756759 (Balanced beer society). I find it very hard to balance beer in locations that I read the mag -eg Beach, train, plane, car, boat... I wont finish Willie Simpson's Beer Bible until the next edition is out mid year.
So who are you spesh, and do you realise that your post seems rather pompous and patronizing?
Sinkas if you made it to a few more WCB meetings you would have met him :p he is the man behind Nail Ale
Sinkas if you made it to a few more WCB meetings you would have met him :p he is the man behind Nail Ale
Spesh is also the brewer responsible for the great beers coming out of Jarrah Jacks in Pemberton. Spesh can olso be creditted with:
*Inventing Nail World Tipping, an on-line sports tipping system unlike any other
*Getting me the gig at Colonial
*World Super-Hero Convention
*Tireless campainging on behalf of all craft brewers

He'd be a decent bloke if he weren't an Eagles supporter.
Sinkas if you made it to a few more WCB meetings you would have met him :p he is the man behind Nail Ale

Well, I was there, but didnt realize he wasknown as another name "in da hood"

I still think the initial post was patronizing and sycophantic, particularly to the brewers who are mentioned in the post.

And thankfully the space between me and any interest in footy tipping, or any other football related product is an ancient ocean wide.
Oh, and I forgot the best one: Spesh is responsible for the most bitter beer ever brewed.

When we were at Uni, Spesh was doing this side project with some crazy Kiwis that had come up with a brewing system that didn't need a kettle. Extract from the mash tun was forced through an ultra fine filter, hop extract added and then fermented. Sounds tasty huh?

Anyway, when calculating the amount of hop extract required to make a beer with 20 bu, Spesh got the decimal point in the wrong place and made a beer with 2000 bu. :beerbang:

Y'know, it wasn't too bad. A little puckering and not your classic session ale. :unsure:
Excise kills the microbrewing industry. The craft beer market is booming but the high start up cost and low profit margin hurt the industry hard. Sign the online petition.

FYI - from the latest Beer & Brewer, here's a link to another online petition to reduce excise for Aussie micros:


Though I don't think the signature counter is functioning properly yet (still on 0 signatures after I signed it). Hope it's actually registering signatures.... :huh:

Yep, I just signed it too and it did not record my lodged petition.

I even allowed the 6 scripts required on the page, in order for it to submit - still no go.

As you say, hopefully it's registering sigs. Pretty poor web dev to no test that out before launch.

Give him a little bit of a break.....when you've got a million other things happening (as I'm sure he does), sometimes it's hard to get everything right first time....... Not all of us are perfect .....(and that quite obviously mean me as well):D

edit: added the me not perfect bit, so I didn't sound pompous and patronising :lol:

edit # 2: and it is working.......and the petition site appears tp be independent, so who were you giving a hard time to?
edit # 2: and it is working.......and the petition site appears tp be independent, so who were you giving a hard time to?

Yeah, it's more a server-side fault of http://www.thepetitionsite.com/, and that's what i was alluding to (who i was giving a hard time to). I'd imagine a simple support request from the persons (account) who set it up, would get it resolved.


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