Measuring Post-boil Efficiency

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Don't forget about aa% of your hops too, and not just when scaling. While they normally don't vary to much for a particular hop, it can make a difference.

That's the thing, I suspect (but don't know) that for the late hop additions the raw quantity (g/L) is more important than the aa%.

The aa% of the actual used hops can then be used to work out the IBU contribution from the late hop additions and then the bittering addition can be modified to bring the IBU up/down to the desired level

And this is all done based on End of Boil Volume. What ends up in the fermenter will then have the desired late hop character, IBUs and gravity.

Meaning the into fermenter efficiency doesn't matter as far as recipe formulation is concerned


TB, thankyou for clarifying
Thanks TB
The recipes that I am using are from Weyermann's recipe book and I am solely using their grains. So I must be using the incorrect volumes into the fermenter, at least you have pointed me in the right direction to experiment. I probably am getting 38 liters give or take into the fermenter. I will watch the AA% as well as some of the hops that I have been getting have had a higher %. I still have a lot to learn. ;) java script:add_smilie("^_^","smid_3")
Thanks again