Matilda Bay - Pull Your Finger Out

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Brew Dude
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Recently I needed some beers to take away with me so was looking for a carton. Normally I love the Matilda Bay Alpha Ale, although expensive it is a great beer. I purchased a carton of it, thats $90 for a carton. It was crap, the bottle were gushers, the malt backbone stripped. I suspect an infection.

Their response.
I have to send away an empty (they will send a post bag) and upon receipt of the bottle they will send me a voucher for a 4 pack!

I spent $90 for 24 beers and it was crap, and the resolution is a 4 pack! Next time I think I may get VB

You expect too much from Company A, B or C. Lower your expectations. :rolleyes:

To be more serious- have you thought about taking it back to the place of purchase and getting a refund or exchange? People here have said it works with Dan Murphys.
You expect too much from Company A, B or C. Lower your expectations. :rolleyes:
If the same were to happen from a 'proper' craft brewery, i'd expect their to be a replacement of the entire stock on it's way (consider 4 pines and Murray's example of brewers that stand by their product).

Kev is right, poor form
Id tell them to stick it, they should replace the carton...

Tis a good beer though when fresh and infection free!
Four Pines sent me a replacement carton. Bloody fantastic
By the way, if you end up sending that bottle back. Stick some brett in there to freak them out
I was being sarcastic. Recent threads about Holgate, Coopers, Sierra Nevada etc seems to show that attitude is common.
Imagine buying a 1kg pack of bacon to find it contains worms; and they offer to replace 1 rasher!

When they wont stand behind their product; I think next time I may be buying something else.
id push for the whole carton. under consumer law if the product isnt fit for use or consumption they have to replace or refund the whole amount.
Did they admit fault or was it more along the lines of 'we are disappointed you are disappointed with our product please accept this voucher as compensation'?
By the way, if you end up sending that bottle back. Stick some brett in there to freak them out

id push for the whole carton. under consumer law if the product isnt fit for use or consumption they have to replace or refund the whole amount.
Is that only on the retailer or the manufacturer as well?
The beer was not totally undrinkable, but by no means was it was enjoyable or acceptable. IMHO it was infected. If a megaswill was available at the time we would have drank that instead.

They would not admit to anything. It was a "we make a large batch of beer sold all around Australia and blah blah blah.... " response. She was adamant there would be a batch number on the bottle, which there wasn't, only a best before date; and also she did not realise it is sold in 4 packs and not 6 packs.

Let them know that social media is a powerful tool and you'll smear their name all over it. Arseholes. :beerbang:
You've got a couple of options try and take it back to the retailer and get back your money that way or do as barls suggested but by the sounds of it you'll have an email war on your hands.

Edit: Owned by CUB I see...I would reconsider getting VB instead.
That is a real shame. Alpha pale is one of my favourite beers, but if there's a chance of it being infected i don't want to risk it, as $5 a beer is too expensive for a beer that *might* be good.

What you should do is get your wife and sons to also ring up and say they bought a carton and it was infected. Then you'll get another few 4 packs as well...

And Kev, never stoop to VB. A few carbonator caps would be cheaper, and then you can drink awesome beer everywhere. :)
Why would you pay $90 for it? MB lost me when they rebranded and alpha, bohemian and dogbolter, and discontinued rooftop red (all great beers at the time, but no longer). They then increased carton/six pack price by about 70-80% for those said beers, and introduced some very ordinary beers (Helgas, fat yak).

Alpha particularly used to be outstanding a few years ago, especially on tap. A shadow of its former self.
Alpha particularly used to be outstanding a few years ago, especially on tap. A shadow of its former self.

Had the Alpha on tap @ The Archive. Dejavu of how James Squire's Golden Ale used to taste compared to the bean count that it is now.
Utter trash.

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