Mash Tun Question

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Would this esky be any good for a mash tun.
It is 570 by 280mm internal dimensions and is 44L
I plan to do 38L or thereabouts size batchs

Just wondering if I will get a good enough grain depth

Edit: forgot to add pic

batch sparging or fly sparging mr "hey thats a nice avatar"?
It'll be tight but do-able Mantis. My old willow 55lt (which is actually 48lt because of Stoopid lid hinge) but just shoe horned out doubles. You can always sparge in 3 equal quantities if needed. Really only struggled to get mash out temps because of volume.

So you suggest something a bit bigger even?
I am a mash tun newby as I have only done biab to now.

Just got home and checked and its actually 47L. The model is something - 44 pffft
Mantis if you can stretch the budget far enough I would go for a something between 50 and 60lts if your planning on doing a fair few doubles. Otherwise the 44 will be perfect for singles and won't be too much of a PITA for the occasional double.
I have done maybe 200 brews in a 44 l esky which is actually full once Promash thinks it has 39 l in it, due to the old hollow lid thing. Standard batch size is 44 l, starting gravity anywhere from 1.030 to 1.075. The esky size works well for those double batches, as it is reasonably full and so holds temp very well. Sparging is easy, I do both fly and batch. Due the slighly limited space batch sparging usually takes a mash out plus two batches. But for mostly double, and the occasional single batch that is a perfect esky size.
Ok , thanks for the replies.
I will run with this one as I have it lying around and it rarely gets used.
I only have a 50L kettle so I have to go with concentrated boils. Did one yesterday ,( thanks Dr Smurto for the idea) and it worked well
So the volumes I need out of the tun wont be the full volumes

Now to settle on a manifold for it
I have already emailed them to ask if their falsie would suit it :beer:
I have a 55L Willow Esky and push out 45L batches, so 38L out of a 47L esky sounds do-able
Looks exactly the same as Peteoz77's except his is orange. He does double batches with lots of room.

Edit....actually I think his is bigger.

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