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This is a human rights question now? Additionally I am not the person who didn't respond to your question. I believe I have given you a logical reason why the responses have been negative towards you on this thread, and you are winning no friends by calling people (maybe it's me? or people on the forum in general? it's hard to tell) a dickhead. As has been said earlier, if you had cut your losses, maybe just started a thread about it, then most likely things would have been fine. This thread, despite the 20 or so posts you have made before it, is essentially the first time I have taken notice of your presence on this forum, and I would imagine the same would apply to other members here. Not a good start.

We use the acronym RDWHAHB around here, and if you would have taken that philosophy to heart then this charade wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Dave, Bob, whatever: I'm a recent addition to this community and have found that most of the members here go above and beyond what would be considered "decent" in their responses. Every question I have asked has been answered by at least half a dozen members, all with good, educated opinions.

Not sure who you think you are expecting an instant response from every member you PM on here. I think gibbocore pretty much summed it up for all of us.
If you ask a civil question it may be an asumption you would receive a civil answer. Am i whinging = No, just a person that believes human rights are such, Am i asking that as human being(at least some of us are) that it would be thought manners if someone took the time to assemble a sentence and wrote you an email the( within limits) deceit thing you couyld do as a form of higher learning mammal is to respond ( eg: not quote the term Dickhead, my friend you have a lot of growing up to do!!)
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sorry Dave-bob, but you really do come across as a bit of a wanker... You can't just randomly PM people out of the blue and expect them to answer you... it would be like asking random questions of someone you've just met on the street...

Also, i'm surprised noone has mentioned yet, but you have posted this in the Gear and Equipment forum... I personally don't really see how this is anything to do with Gear or Equipment?? It probably would have been better suited to the Off Topic or The Pub forums, but hey, I guess you have to be a "higher learning mammal" to see the logic in it :blink:

Anyways, I have found this forum is a great source of knowledge and there are a lot of nice and curteous people on here who are more than happy to answer people's questions, and they are a lot more civil than on some other forums I have been on! B)

Note to self... I really shouldn't feed the trolls....
Also, i'm surprised noone has mentioned yet, but you have posted this in the Gear and Equipment forum...

You're right Fantoman - it should be under 'Humour and Jokes' ... and the latter of the two... :D
My apoliges Fantoman,
i didn't realise that this topic was started under this heading, i will refain from posting anything else under this topic.

PS Gibbocore was the one that started callling someone a "dickhead"

where is the love?
Check with Screwtops Rule Number 1. and Rule Number 2... :rolleyes:

Maybe Darren has changed his user name???????? ;)

Personally, I havnt been on here that long, but before here I started on a different Forum and searched the Shit out of it(what I wanted to know), and also just posted what I wanted to ask, if I tended to get a response from the same person over and over I PM'd them for a one on one question..

Since being on here, I still have searched what ive wanted to find out and also have became a friend with someone that invited me to watch them do a batch of AG, and now they have become quite helpful in my mission for my first AG, but I still have not PM'd the shit out of that person.

Same as everything, you gotta earn respect to get respect Dave-bob, cant just join up and expect everyone to respond to whatever you are asking them, build up a bit of a friendship/name first... ;)

did anyone else notice the awesome typo??

deceit vs decent???

Must be a higher learning mammal thing???? :rolleyes:
If you seriously want answers, start a thread (but don't forget to search first ;)). One of the great things about this place is the hundreds of threads from way back that you can still get to to find answers. If everything happened via PM's, the information wouldn't be here and this place would be a whole lot less useful.
Personally as a fellow new brewer, I like that that other folks in the same boat are asking questions, it saves me asking some of the simple questions ! FFS this is a forum, not a private helpdesk or a toll free number that came with the kit.

And to echo what's been said already, there are a few members especially that go above & beyond in sharing their expertise, despite the glut of what must be the same old questions posted every few weeks.

So mate, enjoy the forums, use them as they are intended, and happy brewing.
Mate - have you thought about the possibility that the person/s you PM'd -
  1. hasn't read it yet.....
  2. doesn't have an answer..
  3. is shy/wary of strangers
  4. Quite simply doesn't have time to answer you
  5. Doesn't know how to use the PM function....

Ths is a diverse community, and not all of us are 'veterans' of this or other forums......I know of at least one person that is here to read, and really doesn't like the fact that strangers can PM him....some of the PM's I get from people make me wonder too sometimes.......

Take part, discuss, get to know people.......ask your questions publicly. Others will get to benefit from the answers then, and that's the whole point. The PM system is for stuff that belongs between private parties, and we are a discussion board, that's wat we do. So don't be afraid to discuss it with all of us. You'll get a variety of answers, some good, some not, but they will reflect the opinions of many, not just one. You know what they say, 2 heads are better than one & a problem shared is a problem halved and all that stuff :D
I think if we have any more of these threads we are going to have to invite Judge Judy and Jerry Springer to be moderators

Kabooby :lol:
Faircall Cleanbrewer and goofinder,
thanks for the tips, i don't start articles for the hell of it and I respect your views as for others that have added their 2 cents worth, Don't worry be happy!!! cause when yo worry your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down!!
Manners according to Wikipedia:

In sociology, manners are the unenforced standards of conduct which show the actor to be cultured, polite, and refined. They are like laws in that they codify or set a standard for human behavior, but they are unlike laws in that there is no formal system for punishing transgressions, other than social disapproval. They are a kind of norm. What is considered "mannerly" is highly susceptible to change with time, geographical location, social stratum, occasion, and other factors
I started this topic with good intent!!!. , I also stated that the positives outwayed the negatives, So why would fellow members just pick out the negatives and try as they may to highlight these responses inorder to get self gradification!!

As my mum has told me ever since i was a little kid... "It's not what you say but how you say it"

Respect the people who are on here and they will give you hours of endless knowledge. I'm still very much a newbie, but I have learnt more about beer on here than I have learn engineering at uni... And this is free (thank you AHB)

Where is the love? Ask nicely and (almost) every person will happily help a fellow brewer out

Am i asking that as human being(at least some of us are) that it would be thought manners if someone took the time to assemble a sentence and wrote you an email the( within limits) deceit thing you couyld do as a form of higher learning mammal is to respond

A fairly simplistic answer would be, to paraphrase Mrs Beeton, "first assemble your sentence".
Of course deceit may be thought to be other than intended, this is normally the tool of the deceiver.
Would it be "OT" to discuss Chillers and Chilling Out, or would raise the ire of the NC.

Faircall Cleanbrewer and goofinder,
thanks for the tips, i don't start articles for the hell of it and I respect your views as for others that have added their 2 cents worth, Don't worry be happy!!! cause when yo worry your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down!!


If you want to know something and/or have search for it, and havnt been able to find an answer, just start a Topic under whatever subject its got to do with, more than likely you will get the response your after as most of the guys on here, I have found are here to help, they will only hang shit if you act like a COCK... :blink:

And cut the Poetry.. Makes you sound like more of a COCK.. ;)

Remember the Boy/Man who cried Wolf???????? :icon_vomit:
For all those posters using the foul language, well, that is very un-AHB-like, you all seem recent members I see, this forum has gone down hill over the years in that respect, get some class. Dave-bob, who are you really? come on?

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