Malt Prices And The Drought

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I know Australia is in a drought,grain prices are on the rise we all know,feed grains have gone through the roof.
Malted grains had to follow it was only a matter of time.

Now is the UK or Germany also in drought? If not why have their malts suddenly gone up in price with the Australian malts,all have had a price increase together.
Could we be taken for a ride here? I think perhaps yes <_<

Now is the UK or Germany also in drought? If not why have their malts suddenly gone up in price with the Australian malts,all have had a price increase together.

Are you referring to the price of these malts worldwide, or just the local prices?
Increased use of barley crops for subsidised Biofuels combined with poor harvests and reduced acreage?

Read this for some possible explanations.
I know Australia is in a drought,grain prices are on the rise we all know,feed grains have gone through the roof.
Malted grains had to follow it was only a matter of time.

Now is the UK or Germany also in drought? If not why have their malts suddenly gone up in price with the Australian malts,all have had a price increase together.
Could we be taken for a ride here? I think perhaps yes <_<


Maybe do a bit of research first - Europe was devastated by floods at harvest time. A local customer of mine was over in Germany at the time & his father-in-law who grows barley for Weyermanns got only 5 of his 14 day harvest gathered before the storms wiped the rest out - It's bad everywhere unfortunately :( .
What will upset me, is if the prices don't drop if it's followed by a good harvest - but for that we'll have to wait & see...

cheers Ross
All turns to shit within the same month :(


I have my doubts about prices falling Ross,sunflower seeds by 20kg cost me around $25.00 18 months ago,now I can order them as the grain barn will not stock them for $65.00,good luck to us <_<

Maybe do a bit of research first
cheers Ross

I could not find anything on why all Australian and imported malts happened to rise in price on the same day.

Malt is a commodity it's traded world wide, come every March, the new season prices come out. By March both the northern and southern hemisphere crops are in so the amount of malting barley is known.

The price moves up and down according to demand and quality, like all commodities.

I think you would be kidding your self if you think it ever comes all the way down, after a big hike like we are seeing this year.

We will have to get used to higher prices is all

I am just glad I don't make my beer out of Brocoli, at $7.99 a kilo it would break me :D


i put 1/2 a banana in a brew once in my heady carefree younger days...
i remember when lamb was cheap as at the butchers. it went up once and never came down.
And US production was down due to ethanol production.

So even less barley world wide.
dont make me mention fuel

oops too late

I think the drought is affecting the quality of the grain as well.

all we can do is pray for rain now, all the jokes about growing our own barly may not be so far fetched soon

mmmmmmm rain please god.............. PLEASE !!!
Just imagine firing up the mower on a saturday and going out to mow the front barley patch.
all the jokes about growing our own barly may not be so far fetched soon

Bulk buy few hundred acres for the ahb community? Get the growing started.

I know Australia is in a drought,grain prices are on the rise we all know,feed grains have gone through the roof.
Malted grains had to follow it was only a matter of time.



Seems malt prices are going to go through the roof. Grain and Grape obviously expecting enormous rises are quoting prices/gram.

Look out gold :unsure:;&page=3


those prices seem fair to me.

that is a good way to do it IMO.

a lot of brewers starting out dont want to buy a kilo of Roast barly or caraaroma so they can pay per gram.

3 to 5$/kg for german specialty malt seems fine to me.

I have not noticed the price hike yet........ might get a bag of wheat before it gets too bad though

Grain and Grape obviously expecting enormous rises are quoting prices/gram.

Mid-March of this year, G&G were expecting rises as high as 35%-40% from the first of April (from their newsletter and in-shop service). By the end of March they were speculating 25%-35% (not quite as bad, as predicted).. As Ross pointed out, this has unfortunately hit everywhere (in early March, John at G&G mentioned US, Europe and AUS being effected).

I wanted to point out, G&G went out of their way encouraging anyone to pre-purchase grains, knowing full and well they would increase, at the pre-increase price. Although limits were established, I found this commendable beyond question.

I jokingly told them I'd have my 18 month daughter establish 'a pre-paid account' in their grain book. And my wife. And myself, of course. And my brother in law, and his cousin and his fourth-third cousin, and dog :super:

Of course, I simply purchased grains for myself to the limit, both domestic and imported.

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