Making mead

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G'day guys I'm looking for some info on brewing mead. Something nice and simple to start with would be good. Been doing kits for a while now looking to step up to extract. But I want to make a mead. Hope you got some ideas
Haha thankyou very much for your charity!! Much appreciated!
If you are the podcast-listening type, there's some decent information in some of the older BasicBrewing podcasts.

Probably read this too:
It's a really good level of detail for the beginner.

I've only done 1 split batch which I pitched in the middle of last year. A 'short' strawberry mead (8%) that turned out pretty tasty; the JAO which was linked above and was not too shabby either; and a traditional dry mead, which has a real mustiness to it which I'm hoping will mellow out.

I used US-05 with all of them because I was too lazy/cheap to get a wine yeast. I've read reports of it turning out good results, but I'll get a proper wine yeast next time.
Or you could give my NAA thread a read, that's as simple as JAO, but a little different.
Treat it more like a wine than a beer. Honey is lacking nutrients suited to healthy yeast.

Whip it good, use a decent wine nutrient like he wyeast wine one at pitching and then feed it at about day 4 again.

When it comes to honey, if you're looking for flavour, don't pasteurise.

If doing a melomel with fruit, use sulphite and treat it like a wine.

There's some good info out on the wider web on these topics. Find a reliable one and use it to good effect. I think it's morebeer does a good starters guide to meads.

Play and enjoy.

Another resource is go through their video archive. Those guys love their mead and have done a lot of experiments with some nice outcomes in there.
or check out Ken Schramns The Complete MeadMaker.

has everything you need to know and recipes

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