Losing Sleep

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warrenlw63 said:
The stage after that becomes even scarier Zwickel.

I've been known to drool at a hospital or the local Doctor's surgery...

Hmmm... O2 bottles and regulators, big packs of isopropyl wipes, autoclaves, peristaltic pumps. The list goes on. :rolleyes: What a gold mine! :lol:

yeah.... and any fruit you hold in your hand, youll consider wheter you may use the yeast on there surface of it for brewing beer or not ....and so on, til they put you into the funnyfarm....
Zwickel said:
...the next stage you may achieve is, everytime you stroll through Supermarkets and/or building centres and everything you see there, you judge if you can use it for brewing beer or not. :)
Already past that phase (past or is that more like constantly in), going back to local tip today to remove some elements and thermostats from old water heaters. Hoping they will work for my HLT.


Ha! Thanks for the link Ross! I don't think I need a hop pillow just yet but I better make a note of it for near future reference. :blink:

As for dreaming up ideas, I do a lot of work on steel frame houses so am currently working out how to make a fermenting box out of said steel frame. Don't know how well it will work but certainly keeps the brain occupied whilst doing my work!
recharge said:
Ok how many people lay awake at night with ideas running through there heads?
Since joining this forum i have had many late nights reading plus more nights with very little sleep> lying in bed thinking.

Constantly, and have been for as long as I can remember.
It would be great if I had a nice big red 'off' button at the base of my neck!

It's fairly common for me to not get any sleep at all, and to be so lost, reading or building something or whatever, and not realise the time 'till the sun comes up.
I used to get into a lot of trouble at school and Doctors diagnosed me as being ADHD (= Hyperactive).
The worst thing about all this, is my interest in any subject is very intense for a brief period, then I kinda burn out and completely lose interest, untill I move onto something else interesting and the cycle continues.
As I get older I'm managing it better.
So far, brewing is one of the few things I've been 'stable' with, and not moving on to something else.
Simon W said:
The worst thing about all this, is my interest in any subject is very intense for a brief period, then I kinda burn out and completely lose interest, untill I move onto something else interesting and the cycle continues.
As I get older I'm managing it better.
So far, brewing is one of the few things I've been 'stable' with, and not moving on to something else.
Actually simon sounds like you may have just plagerised(mmm spelling) my hand book.
Have sold many unfinished projects. Tho now i keep them because i know ill go back to it. Lets see whats currently on the go >bio diesel plant >moto guzzi restoration > new still >ag set up >audio speakers > built my house needs finishing off > bugger no wonder i don't sleep


LOL, unfinished projects.
I've got a house full of them. Radio Controlled planes/cars/boats. Boxes and boxes of electronic bits in two houses, Astronomy:-half built telescope, and cars, got 3 to rebuild, dun wanna think about them. Photography, got half a darkroom here. Its endless.
I used to design audio speakers for fun and for friends years ago(Vance Dickason book is excellent if you haven't got it already).
Have thought about bio-diesel! lol, never gone anywhere with it tho.
Interested in wind turbines, would like to convert a motorscooter to brushless DC electric. Would also like to experiment with Solar powered steam turbine coz I'm sure its more efficient that photovoltaic.
blah blah blah blah blah :rolleyes:

Edit: ahh thats Vance Dickason.
Vance Dickason - yep read that one great book though i am a little electronically challenged i followed most of it. I got my speaker plans from (guess where) the internet. They're called Proteus www.humblehomemadehifi.com
If your thinking biodiesel try www.journeytoforever.org
I have dwindled my cars down to one project wanna build a dualcab landcruiser. but decided to sell the one ive got and buy a later model now. But that'll be after the guzzi's finished and when i get back from the US.

No wonder my wife hates me :D

I'm never bored though.


I found the best, though not the easiest or cheapest method to clean out all your half projects is to bust up with your missus and pretty well end up with what you can fit in a car. This happened about 5 years ago. Now instead of a house full of half finished projects I now have only half a houseful of half finished projects - but the list is growing.

stephen said:
I found the best, though not the easiest or cheapest method to clean out all your half projects is to bust up with your missus and pretty well end up with what you can fit in a car. This happened about 5 years ago. Now instead of a house full of half finished projects I now have only half a houseful of half finished projects - but the list is growing.

And half a house i hope
recharge said:
I'm never bored though.
Exactly! I don't think I've ever been realy bored.

Ever heard the saying: Bored people are boring people?
recharge said:
stephen said:
I found the best, though not the easiest or cheapest method to clean out all your half projects is to bust up with your missus and pretty well end up with what you can fit in a car. This happened about 5 years ago. Now instead of a house full of half finished projects I now have only half a houseful of half finished projects - but the list is growing.

And half a house i hope
Funny you should mention that - I happen to live in a duplex which, in effect, is half a house...
Zwickel said:
warrenlw63 said:
The stage after that becomes even scarier Zwickel.

I've been known to drool at a hospital or the local Doctor's surgery...

Hmmm... O2 bottles and regulators, big packs of isopropyl wipes, autoclaves, peristaltic pumps. The list goes on. :rolleyes: What a gold mine! :lol:

yeah.... and any fruit you hold in your hand, youll consider wheter you may use the yeast on there surface of it for brewing beer or not ....and so on, til they put you into the funnyfarm....

.... And everything that you look at, you wonder if it is available in stainless.... :excl:

mandrakar said:
.... And everything that you look at, you wonder if it is available in stainless.... :excl:


Ahh i have the luxury of a neighbour who does stainless tanks, brine systems and wine tank insulation.
Free use of equipment , free scab on his scrap pile and free help if i can't do it.

so yeah everything i look at i think can i make that in stainless followed by oh s#*t another project.

warrenlw63 said:
I've been known to drool at a hospital or the local Doctor's surgery...

Hmmm... O2 bottles and regulators, big packs of isopropyl wipes, autoclaves, peristaltic pumps. The list goes on. :rolleyes: What a gold mine! :lol:

hmmm.... Im sitting in our hospital at the heart-lung-machine, in front of me some roller-pumps, next of me an oxygenator, behind me a cooling-device..... hmmmm... should I.....

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