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I knew you being the big BN fan would post that.

Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is the hormone that suppresses urine production at night, and prevents (some of us) from wetting the bed or getting up all night to piss. If your idea is to sneak that into beer so we all have a fighting chance of getting home from the pub without facing a public urination charge then you may be onto something.

Or maybe it is like Clear Pepsi, which was somehow worse than regular Pepsi. Fancy a VB Clear?

This sounds like just about the worst beer idea I've heard!

You drink 10 pints of this beer with AVP which inhibits your need to 'break the seal' and 'move forwards' to sending the beer back to the soil.

So you get home with a bladder loaded with 10 pints of 'Bedwetter Bitter' primed and ready to arrive sometime before the sun, better hope you wake up before the AVP wears off.

I think bladder control and beer are best left as two seperate but related entities. :)