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deep fried beer eh
maybe it is the pizza beer concoction

<grabs popcorn>
subscribed cause i wanna see where this is heading.
I thought it was the Scot's who first deep-fried mars bars ... and look at what they (Brewdog) are already doing with beer.
Deep fried Mars Bars..mmmm :p
I would be intrested in trying it :eek:

When we go out for dinner I normally don't get a desert cause I find most offerings don't go well with a beer.

The only problem with this concept is what is to stop every place making them? I think you could protect your exact recipe, but if everyone makes a version using their products then it's all over red rover.

I would be intrested in trying it :eek:

Think deep fried ice cream or mars bars. Freeze the beer then batter and cook it. A regular ice cube tray would be an ideal size, maybe 3/4 filled. Maybe batter then roll in coconut, freeze again, batter and roll in coconut again, freeze again and batter again before deep frying. It would need to be a beer full of flavour because obviously it is going to be flat.

Mmmm hot, flat and maybe stale beer flavoured, deep fried treat. Doesn't sound so good now that I think about it.

Ah it is a bakery, not a brewery he is wanting to start. Ah sorry maybe you have wrong forum? This one about brewing not baking.
Think deep fried ice cream or mars bars. Freeze the beer then batter and cook it. A regular ice cube tray would be an ideal size, maybe 3/4 filled. Maybe batter then roll in coconut, freeze again, batter and roll in coconut again, freeze again and batter again before deep frying. It would need to be a beer full of flavour because obviously it is going to be flat.

Mmmm hot, flat and maybe stale beer flavoured, deep fried treat. Doesn't sound so good now that I think about it.

Ah it is a bakery, not a brewery he is wanting to start. Ah sorry maybe you have wrong forum? This one about brewing not baking.
I couldn't see how that'd work personally.I'd think it'd end up like an Eis beer,water freezing on top and liquid underneath. :unsure: Probably a good thing too,much better just to drink it in the first place :lol:
I couldn't see how that'd work personally.I'd think it'd end up like an Eis beer,water freezing on top and liquid underneath. :unsure: Probably a good thing too,much better just to drink it in the first place :lol:

Apparently beer will freeze, but because of the ethanol it has to be colder than water and may take longer.

Random Googled:
"Adding ethanol to water will therefore depress the freezing point by 1.86 C per molar conc present. Doing the translation between molar and regular % by volume gives ...
5% abv 1.6 mol% 3 C lower 10% abv 3.3 mol% 6 C lower 20% abv 7.2 mol% 13 C lower "
For me, fresh baked pretzel on a plate, nice pint of beer in the glass, and let them combine in my stomach!

But back on topic, if it is the idea being thrown around, then it certainly lends itself to being copied. It also seems like the kind of concept that would best work as a mobile food stand at events (ala hot-dog stand or coffee cart). However, the presence of alcohol and subsequent licences and restrictions would make it difficult to operate.

Just my 2 c.

Cheers SJ
Apparently beer will freeze, but because of the ethanol it has to be colder than water and may take longer.

Random Googled:
"Adding ethanol to water will therefore depress the freezing point by 1.86 C per molar conc present. Doing the translation between molar and regular % by volume gives ...
5% abv 1.6 mol% 3 C lower 10% abv 3.3 mol% 6 C lower 20% abv 7.2 mol% 13 C lower "

Perhaps the idea is beer icy poles.

Try a Belgian on a stick or a Timothy Tailors Sunny Boy.
If the guys that created skinnyblonde can do it i figure i can give it a crack too,

Mick Jonteef (CUB's head of R&D) developed Pure Blonde a few years back. He is a great guy with lots of experience and inductry knowledge. Sure he wasn't the 1st to develop lo carb beers, but he hit the market at the right time & had CUBs massive marketing behind him.

not saying you can't do it, but its a long hard road you're heading down with plenty of experienced competition (look at the number of lo carb beers that followed pure blonde).

hope you've got deep pockets to keep your head above water. Many micro brewers I've talked to reckon it is a slow way to go broke. Before investing any capital on plant etc develop your business plan and financial models - build 3 models conservative, best guess & aggressive - run with conservative - if you do better its a bonus. Do "what if" scenarios instead of thinking everything will go as planned. Research the market, the environment and your competition. what differentiates you/your product? what is your sustainable competitive advantage? Do a SWOT then develop Matching, converting, minimizing, and avoiding strategies eg How can strengths & opportunities be matched to create capabilities in serving customers' needs? Can weaknesses be converted into strengths? If not, how can weaknesses be minimised or avoided? Can threats be converted into opportunities? If not, how can threats be minimised or avoided?

good luck
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is the hormone that suppresses urine production at night, and prevents (some of us) from wetting the bed or getting up all night to piss. If your idea is to sneak that into beer so we all have a fighting chance of getting home from the pub without facing a public urination charge then you may be onto something.

Or maybe it is like Clear Pepsi, which was somehow worse than regular Pepsi. Fancy a VB Clear?
what I find most astonishing is there is a fried food competition, only in america lol
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is the hormone that suppresses urine production at night, and prevents (some of us) from wetting the bed or getting up all night to piss. If your idea is to sneak that into beer so we all have a fighting chance of getting home from the pub without facing a public urination charge then you may be onto something.

Or maybe it is like Clear Pepsi, which was somehow worse than regular Pepsi. Fancy a VB Clear?

can we make this at home on a hb scale? sorry couldn't be bothered with the google atm...pls tell me how to make this into a viable business
What about Viagra infused beer.
Got to be the greatest idea ever had. May have to be a health warning or two.

Brewer's Droop changes to Brewer's Chub

Bar staff (pun intended) will be able to tell when you have had too many!!

brewer's club

would make it ok to send the missus out with a black eye...

What about Viagra infused beer.
Got to be the greatest idea ever had. May have to be a health warning or two.

Brewer's Droop changes to Brewer's Chub
been frying beer for years a la coopers sparkling ale beer batter,maybe i will try a trub fry up and see how the chooks like it.