In that case sqyre's going to piss out of his rear end! :lol:
Handsome little bugger, counts both Pat and Sean out :lol:
All jokes aside, Sean was never a contender. Sqyre rang me to let me know that all was abluster though I have absolutely no idea what abluster means.
Sqyre Junior, no matter what your supposed parents tell you, I am at least your, 'Brewing Dad,' and, purely for legal reasons, let's keep it that way until I have carked it. Uncle InCider is a drunkard and a lagard - he knows nothing! But, you should call that old bugger uncle just to be polite.
PS, Stu, formula tins are tops for storing grain
If Pat is Brewdad, I am Uncle Hops. or Uncle 'Cousin' Hops. :lol:
I'm polishing my bells now so I can wear them to the next meet. ....I SAID BELLS PEOPLE!!!![]()
Missed the last one, not going to miss this one.