Look Out Sqyre...

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In that case sqyre's going to piss out of his rear end! :lol:
Thanks fella's...
I will pass it all on to Mrs Sqyre.. and i'm sure she will have a look and reply when she gets home..

Warmest congratulations to you and Renae and Archer (cool name by the way), now I'm going to have to go and have another beer :D :beer: :party:
Well they are pumping them out down south.

All the best to the wife,yourself and the family mate :beerbang:

Congrats Brucey & Renae!

Guess we'll see the little tiger at the Xmas bash...
Well Done Bruce and Renae,
That Bloke is way too good looking to have come from your loins Bruce, and Pat and Incider for that matter. I'm sipping a SN Celebration Ale right now in Archers honour. Mum and Josh came home this afternoon and my two year old was just about doing backflips till he eventually passed out at 9pm, daddy was almost wishing he became a eunuch about 10 months back ;)



PS, Stu, formula tins are tops for storing grain
Handsome little bugger, counts both Pat and Sean out :lol:

All jokes aside, Sean was never a contender. Sqyre rang me to let me know that all was abluster though I have absolutely no idea what abluster means.

Of course, I flew immediately to QLD to sign the paternity papers.

Further problems...

Apparently the 7 page attachment I had ready that disclaimed any financial responsibility for Sqyre Junior was not well received.


I wish QLD Swaps were more simple but when they approach 1000 posts what can one expect and what does one really know actually happen behind the scenes? Mrs Sqyre and I know but!

Sqyre Junior, no matter what your supposed parents tell you, I am at least your, 'Brewing Dad,' and, purely for legal reasons, let's keep it that way until I have carked it. Uncle InCider is a drunkard and a lagard - he knows nothing! But, you should call that old bugger uncle just to be polite. Apart from this though he is a real ******. Just ignore him and especially his paternity claims!

Not sure if I said this above but Sqyre Junior, you are a real treat to the AHB Brewing world. I hope that in twenty years time I am still around to see you carry on your parent's tradition.

Lots of love to you, our newest brewer,
All jokes aside, Sean was never a contender. Sqyre rang me to let me know that all was abluster though I have absolutely no idea what abluster means.

Sqyre Junior, no matter what your supposed parents tell you, I am at least your, 'Brewing Dad,' and, purely for legal reasons, let's keep it that way until I have carked it. Uncle InCider is a drunkard and a lagard - he knows nothing! But, you should call that old bugger uncle just to be polite.

If I knew what laggard meant.... :p

If Pat is Brewdad, I am Uncle Hops. or Uncle 'Cousin' Hops. :lol:

Congrats Sqyre and Mrs Sqyre - not in that order obviously!

Thanks guys,
I should give credit where credit is due...
Your not going to believe this but...
i need to thank Incider for the inspiration of Renae and i coming up with the name "Archer".

After i found out his youngins name, more ideas started churning over in my head.
Especially after our Sunday afternoon Over-the-phone drinking session a few weeks ago...

So Sean, you have my thanks for the inspiration...but not for the conception.. :angry:

Congrats Brucie & Renae - He's truly a good looking bub, I guess the parentage will have to remain a mystery...Couldn't have been anyone from the swap :D

All the best....

Cheers Ross
Hey Congrats Mr and Mrs Sqyre and welcome to the world Archer! I believe you are going to be in good hands.
If Pat is Brewdad, I am Uncle Hops. or Uncle 'Cousin' Hops. :lol:

Or Uncle Fester?

Congratulations Bruce, Renae and Archer :beer: . A job well done you have a top looking little bloke. The next generation of apprentice brewers in Qld seems to be coming along nicely. I will raise a glass for you tonight.
Hi Everyone

Just wanted to pop in quickly and thank you all for your messages

I had a good laugh at all of your posts even though it hurt immensely :huh:

I am looking foward to having a brew with you all at the next xmas swap :beer:

I'm polishing my bells now so I can wear them to the next meet. ....I SAID BELLS PEOPLE!!! :p
Missed the last one, not going to miss this one.
I'm polishing my bells now so I can wear them to the next meet. ....I SAID BELLS PEOPLE!!! :p
Missed the last one, not going to miss this one.

It'll be a 'ding-dong' of a swap Dom. :p

What one are you coming to? Anzac Day Swap, Labour Day Swap, Easter Swap, Ides of March Swap, April Fools Swap or Xmas in June & July? :lol:

uhhhhhhh....OK.......I meant the next xmas swap. I might be able to make some time in the shedule to have a little holiday by then ....:D
How are you doing Mrs Sqyre? Great to hear from you :icon_cheers:

I think that little Archer has gained a little brewing cousin today :super: so keep your eye out for a new thread or on the QLD threads tomorrow just in case I'm right ;)

So Mrs Sqyre, is Archer on mid-strength yet?

And, let me know when you're up for more late night phone calls. Someone told me I have to wait 6 weeks. WTF?
