Little Creatures Pale Ale - Boonies K&k Clone Review

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Aroma was pretty spot on, definitely had the same general aroma as LCPA. As I mentioned, probably more floral/fruity and less herby than the commercial version. Might try and flip the hop additions next time?

Will look into the lager yeast thing as it gives the commercial version a nice tang. I just read some of the posts but did not see any logistics. Is the following feasible?

1. Ferment the LCPA clone as above in primary for 3 weeks.
2. Rack to secondary and crash chill
3. Bulk prime with sugar AND 200mL of a lager starter and bottle
4. Keep bottles at 12degC to ensure lager yeasties do their thing with the priming sugar (rather than the US05?)


It sounds like the lager yeast thing is called krausening. Just read about it in BYO magazine.
Hey guys,
Did my first home brew batch of this brew and my OG was 1060. I have double-checked and this seems quite high.
There was a bit of sediment in the test cylinder though i did spin the hydrometer a few times to verify the reading.
2 and a bit weeks in (its cold here in ACT), i'm getting a 1020 reading and wondering if its time to bottle.
What yeast did you use, alextrippa?

If it's US05, you may want to try warming your fermenter a bit and agitating the yeast at the bottom to get it to drop a few more points. 1.020 seems high to me for this beer.
I brewed this in my really early days, and got it lower than where yours is at present.

I wouldn't bottle it at 1.020 just yet.
Has anyone been brewing this lately? Or this there a new recipe on the go for LCPA?
HomeBrewDan said:
Has anyone been brewing this lately? Or this there a new recipe on the go for LCPA?
I found this on the Brewcraft website

Ive given this recipe a go, and I bottled it last week.
It smelt sooooo good from the airlock while it fermented!
I tasted the wort when I took my FG (1.010 I think) and after a month or so in the bottle It should taste pretty damn good!!
Just keep the final volume to 20L max. Better flavour!

Little Creatures Pale Ale style beer -
Brewcraft BREWBLEND # 15 +
150g Wheat Malt Extract + US05 Safale Yeast +
extra hops; 15g Cascade & 15g Williamette. (hop tea)
This recipe isn’t a copy.
We’re sure you’ll notice differences between the beer you make and the original. It’s simply a similar style of beer that we believe you’ll like very much if you’re keen on the original.