Am I the only one who doesnt agree that the PA from Little Creatures tastes anything like the SNPA?
I drank SNPA for three years when I was int he states, it was my favorite beer...wehn LCPA came out I heard that they based their recipe off the SNPA - allegedly they even have a special import license for the hops they use, sourcing them directly from the states and having soem kind of customs agreement to destroy the remainder afterwards....
however, I digress - so I had the LCPA when it came out, and I got back from the states - and a lovely drop it is as well, but it tasted a lot more harsh than the SNPA did, it jsut wasnt as well rounded and it was a little "too" grassy - the other week the guys at the International Beer Shop got a varton of SNPA (yes, amazing! I was chuffed!) so I bought two stubbies (at $8 a stubbie - ouch) and me and my mate had a tasting session with the two beers side by side....
About the only thing they had similar to them, was that they are both PAle Ales - otherwise, they were as different as couldn be - and the SNPA was extremly rounded (maybe due to it being a bit older than the LCPA - I do tend to think that the LCPA is a bit on the young side when you drink it fresh here - personal preference though)...and the SNPA won hands down of course, but the LCPA is still a very worthy drop.
I think a few people have raised those same thoughts on AHB Fletch. Look forward to trying SNPA when I can finally get my hands on a bottle here in Sydney.