Little Creatures Bright Ale

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Just recently had a trip down to Sydney and stayed at a pub that had it on tap. I have become a big fan of it.

Has anyone got or know of pretty good extract replica of it?

I gather a few different malts are used along with Saaz hops.

Any help I would appreciate it.

I saved this from one of Tonys posts, I hope he won't mind my putting it up here, I dunno where to find the thread. I made it and it was pretty good!! Cheers


Defender of the Pride.............. of Ringwood

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Joined: 26-April 04
From: Rutherford, Hunter Valley NSW.
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I have converted this to an extract recipe for a lot of brewers and all love it.

If your using extract...... you wont really need the carapils or wheat. They are there to add body and texture to the beer made with Pilsner malt. Extract will be fuller bodied than a cool mashed pale beer so leave it out. It over complicates the whole process of extract brewing. This should be a simple easy fun process. It should be an introduction into the finer points of brewing. The power you have over the finnished product. An eye opener into the advantages of using un hopped extract and fresh hops.

In any learning process its best to change one thng at a time! That way you lean the effect the change had on the process. Go from cans and a KG to extract and hops. When you have that down pat start steeping some caramalt, crystal, chocolate, roast...... whatever, to make styles like english bitter, porter, stout, irish red, APA.......... you name it.

Then you go to a partial mash, then there is no saving you and it will all be history!

Now to the recipe (that was all a leader into the recipe)

LC Bright Ale Clone

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 23.00 Wort Size (L): 23.00
Total Grain (kg): 3.30
Anticipated OG: 1.046 Plato: 11.52
Anticipated EBC: 7.2
Anticipated IBU: 25.5
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 45 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
90.9 3.00 kg. Coopers LME - Light Australia 1.038 7
9.1 0.30 kg. Corn Sugar Generic 1.046 0

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
12.00 g. B-Saaz Pellet 6.80 9.4 45 min.
12.00 g. Cascade Pellet 5.90 8.2 45 min.
10.00 g. B-Saaz Pellet 6.80 4.2 15 min.
10.00 g. Cascade Pellet 5.90 3.7 15 min.
18.00 g. B-Saaz Pellet 6.80 0.0 0 min.
18.00 g. Cascade Pellet 5.90 0.0 0 min.



I have based this around 2 x 1.5kg cans of liquid unhopped light malt extract, and some dextrose to lighten the extract and make up the gravity.


Disolve one of the cans of extract in 14 liters of water in a large pot around the 18 to 20 liter mark. bring to the boil and add the hops as per recipe. Boil it so its rolling but not frothing. you want more that a simmer but less than a big frothing roll that boils over. USe your own judgement on this.

After the 45 min and addition of the flame out hops (0 min) remove from heat and disolve the second can of extract and the Destrose and crash chill in the laundry tub/bath tub by submersing the pot in cold water. Replace the water when it heats up.

Pour it into the fermenter, straining out the hops through a hop sock (ross) or something similar.

Top up with cold water in the fermenter, pitch yeast and keep below 20 deg.

The rest is up to you!

hope this helps a bit

thanks for the help, fellas!

So from that post the recipe should be as follows.

=> 3kg. Coopers LME
=> 300g. Corn Sugar
=> 12g. B-Saaz Pellet 45 min.
=> 12g. Cascade Pellet 45 min.
=> 10g. B-Saaz Pellet 15 min.
=> 10g. Cascade Pellet 15 min.
=> 18g. B-Saaz Pellet 0 min.
=> 18g. Cascade Pellet 0 min.

US-05 yeast.

Sounds pretty good. Just need to invest a larger boiling pot!
Also, what's the idea of using the 300grams of corn sugar in there?

Correct, helps to thin the body, as all the LDME will leave it a little 'thick' for this style.

Cheers SJ
Wait, by corn sugar are we talking dextrose (fully fermentable) or maltodextrin (only 30% fermentable)?

I'm assuming dextrose as maltodextrin would be out of place.

- boingk
I have made that exact recipe above, and found the hops to be be just right for the flavour, but WAY too weak. I am going to make it again, but literally double the hop additions (and adjust boil times to suit, so it doesn't end up too bitter). the right flavour was there, but absolutely not strong enough to match LCBA.
If the bitterness is right, just add more hops late.
Wait, by corn sugar are we talking dextrose (fully fermentable) or maltodextrin (only 30% fermentable)?

I'm assuming dextrose as maltodextrin would be out of place.

- boingk

dex is corn sugar.
Maltodex is corn syrup.

Ridiculously confusing and oddly named but two separate things.
Sounds pretty good. Just need to invest a larger boiling pot!


you could just do a 4L boil with 500g of LLME boingk

I have made that exact recipe above, and found the hops to be be just right for the flavour, but WAY too weak. I am going to make it again, but literally double the hop additions (and adjust boil times to suit, so it doesn't end up too bitter). the right flavour was there, but absolutely not strong enough to match LCBA.

I upped the hops to 100g in 20L seemed ok. 15+15 at 60 and 20min, then 20+20 at 0min
Would there be any difference if I was to use flowers for the B Saaz hopping?

Same weights apply?
Just going back through this this thread and still have a couple questions.

Is the hop schedule fine. Or is the falvour not enough? Neil said it was way to weak while others have said it's pretty close to the LC Bright Ale.

Also, I bought B. Saaz hop flowers as Ross was out of pellets. Will this make any difference to the amounts?

Cheers. Just wanting to nail this recipe!
it's "close" in that the flavour is right - but there is just not enough of it to resemble the actual commercial version of little creatures bright ale. I would get two 80g packets of the hops and add more late. the bitterness is probably about right but the "hit" of flavour is just not there with 2x 40g packs.
Thanks for the response, Neil.

I've got 90grams of each so I have plenty to up the hops.

Perhaps 20/20/25 would be better at the same intervals?
Just dusting off the last bottle of this beer right now. Bit over 2 months and is so very nice. Will be doing this recipe again really soon for the kegs.

After talk on here of aroma and some flavour dying out I haven't noticed any! Really love how it pours a nice head and holds the foam really well! (bottled with carb drops.)

Any after a Little Creatures Bright Ale this recipe is the one!
I'm going to try this one tomorrow!

I had a LC bright ale and a pale ale the other night and I was sold after the first mouthful, It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooood
I saved this from one of Tonys posts, I hope he won't mind my putting it up here, I dunno where to find the thread. I made it and it was pretty good!! Cheers

Not at all.......... and i have given the same breakdown to extract brew to a lot of beginning brewers and it works out great aparently.

Late hopping will work out differently for every brewer. Its dependent on your methods and system design. Just adjust the hops to suit how you want it!


I'm about to put in an order for the Ingredients!
Well just finished the Brew it is sitting in the fermenting fridge at 18 Deg. It seems to have taken a good day and a half to start really fermenting despite using a smack pack from wyeast. It is probably worth mentioning as well that the actually colour of the brew is significantly darker then a LCBA. As far as I am aware i followed the recipe almost exactly, However I did use LIGHT DME instead of cans, and increased the Dex to 350grams trying to hit a final bottled alc % of 5, The yeast was probably pitched at around 21 deg as I was unable to reduce the temp below tap temperature due to my lack of Ice bottles. Next time I will use 5 or 6 milk containers instead of just 3.

Any idea for the darker color? I would estimate it to be a redish/amber maybe like a whiskey color rather then the Bright Straw color of a LCBA. Anyone used the Bintani imported Wander AG Switz Extract before?

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