Let The Pain Begin

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I got free rein on my shed...

She just said, build what you want......so I built a 14x6m

Bloody thing is WAY to small :angry:
This is a very scary and disturbing trend.. people having self enforced AFD's over the recommended 2 per week.. giving up beer for dvd's etc... bloody hell....do you remember it's a brewing website your on here, not the sunday school chat board?
I figure if the missus likes you enough, then she can put up with the beer. Having said all this, if the bribe is good enough, i'm willing to reduce my consumption. Would have to be a sensational bribe though, something along the lines of this;
nothing less!! if she want's me to reduce the beer, it'll cost her $580,000 US....
lol.... plenty of drinkers of that up here....
I reckon some of you guys ought to read a bit more closely....at the end of the month will be close to 200 litres that I would normally be chucking down my neck. So I don't really bloody care what the carrot on the end of the stick will be. Jeez, not much change left over after buying a few acres of coastal land either. And to all those single whipper-snappers, come back to me when you tie the knot and produce two excellent rug-rats. Hey, I was single too for thirty-odd years. Right, winge over, back to brewing. :party:
down by the todd hey reece? bring the man lady in a boat mister you got yourself a woman!!!

Too right!

I tend to stay away from that 'Lady in the Boat'. Affectionately up here it is called 'Five Litre', haven't had 'Lady in the Boat' in years.

My favourite name for one of those grogs is 'Monkey Blood', Tawny Port that came in a 2 Litre Cask and cost about $12.

Anywho, off to clean the house. I have a gest this evening :D
$12 for 2 litres? true eh? hey dere mista dat some flash goon eh?