Leftover Hop Material

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Have been thinking about the hop additions in a boil, specifically the late addition stuff, and whether or not the leftover hoppy material is still good to use i.e. put into the fermenter with the wort.

Been reading up a bit on hop utilisation in the boil and the time frames for bittering, flavour, etc and from what I can gather the hops used right at the end of the boil would still have some potential for flavour/aroma i.e. not all the oils/chemical compounds have been extracted (my chem is shoddy at best so apologies in advance if i'm barking up the wrong tree here with terminology etc).
Does removing the late addition hops from the heat/boil somehow nullify its ability to be of further use?

So far with my extract brews i've been throwing all of the late addition hop material I use in the boil into the fermenter as well. Did it by accident with my first extract brew (didn't use a hop bag at flameout) and I didn't really notice anything wrong with the final product taste-wise, so I've persisted with the addition for the handful of brews I've done since. I figure that if the late addition stuff is going to have an affect on the beer, it's going to be it's appearance (maybe bit more cloudy if not racking to secondary before bottling?) or drive its hop flavour/aroma up a little (like with dry hopping?). Neither possible result bothers me so i haven't changed my procedure. Am I wrong here? Would there be any noticeable effect on the IBU because the hop material is in the brew for a week or more? I haven't really noticed anything but my late hop additions haven't been huge (10-15g or thereabouts).

Will be giving BIAB a go soon (i'm freefalling like a mofo down the brewing black hole :D ) and want to try brewing specific styles/brewing to particular style guidlines for IBUs, etc so figuring out if the above has an affect would be good to know.

I don't think the bitterness will change. But there maybe a minor contribution to flavour and some contribution to aroma as with a normal dry hop.
I tend to throw everything thing in after the boil and the majority settles out during ferment
I have found after using a hop sock i get smoother hop taste but that could be they say you need to add 10% more when using a sock or it could be from another reason as I changed alot of things around the same time so really cant say if that is the case or not. Plus now I seem to have a back log of brews and leave them ferment for 2 weeks and cc for about 2 weeks some times longer as dont have the time i used to so that and drinking them later prob is another factor (still try after 2 weeks and they are good)
I strain my hops out of the hopped wort into fermenter. I like to get my brews as clean as possible and don't like the harshness that can come from a little bit of hop material in my beer.
But try it, and see what you get out of it.
Lodan I also throw whatever is in the boil pot straight into the fermenter. I really don't want to waste any wort (cue stingey ******* remarks) and I'm not really fussed about extra trub to clean out or a not-so-crystal clear beer.

been reading on a couple of other threads about guys doing 2 small brews from the single wort batch to compare some specific addition, or whatever it is they're up to. Might give that a go with my next batch, do one with/one without the late hop addition material and see how they come out.

Like I said I haven't noticed anything 'wrong' with the flavour of the beer i've been churning out. They've all been pretty simple PAs or bitters with only 1 or 2 hop varieties (i'm trying to improve my ability to taste beer, notice differences in hops etc) and the flavours of the grains & hops used come through well and good...I think hehe.

"Does removing the late addition hops from the heat/boil somehow nullify its ability to be of further use?" <_<
Just re-read my post and the above statement is a bit stupid. What I meant was does the heat affect the late addition hops somehow so they are unable to be used to enhance a brew if thrown into a fermenter, dryhop styles?
If you do go with the 2 small brews idea efactor i would be very interested to read the outcome
Edit: sorry no definitive answer from me on your question above

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