Large cooler bags for summer

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Hi guys , new to this great forum and only on my 5th brew so I have a lot of learning to do
I've noticed a few threads about large 75 -100 can cooler bags that are good for summer brewing.
I plan on getting an old chest freezer and temp controller in the future but with the weather warming up here in Sydney I'm looking at finding one of these large cooler bags. I've checked Bunnings , Kmart and Big W along with Rays Outdoors and Anaconda to no avail.
If anyone knows where to locate these or has a brand name on one currently in use , it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know.
The fermenter in water with a towel wick and ice bricks is doing the trick ATM but I'm looking for something a little better

Many thanks - cheers
Don't think you'll find them anymore. Don't remember seeing them for a long time

On using a chesty for a ferment fridge, lifting full fermenters in and out is a pain and getting in there to take a sample is next to impossible. Upright fridge is just so much simpler. Just my 2c
Thanks Blind Dog , I think your right , I've googled everything I can think of and the best I can come up with is a 48 can cooler.

Thanks for the info on the chest freezer to , didn't think of the lifting side of things

I use an upright freezer, which I think is the best option
great insulation and I don't have to haul 20-60L (depending on batch size) of beer up and out of a chesty
Yeah , will definitely go with the upright fridge /freezer . Thanks for the advise guys.
Will start searching Gumtree

What temp controllers do you guys use and recommend ,?

i got my last one from buntings but that was a year or so ago

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