I use my macbook air every now and then now.... used to use a lot when I had to be mobile (uni). Like someone above said above, the compaq models are really stepping up in specs to the macs, win7 does a decent job, recently mother's lappy shat itself so got her one from officeworks el cheapo, its got nearly the same or better specs than the macbook pro that I helped a friend buy about half a year ago and about half the price apple charges, both ppl are very with their machines.
One thing to watch out with apple products is material integrity, seriously, for the $$ they charge, their plastic is ****. It cracks in the most ridiculous places and they will tell you its down to your handling! I've not had cracks appear on the body of any laptop ever except an apple product. Aluminium is a lot better but still suffers from tight tolerance design + uncomfortable to touch on a cold day. Also, with a macbook/pro - you won't get HDMI ports etc, just in case you were thinking of hooking it up to the telly. Then again, how often does anybody actually do that is totally up to the user.
My 2c -- If looking for a not that light but powerful comp -- get a compaq or something similar in quality: powerful, good construction and much cheaper
-- If looking for a light mobile device, make the choice and get a macbook air, esp with the latest HD upgrades they did, its worth it. The pro has more power, a few more ports but is heavy and less flexible in options than the competition while the Air has no real competition in its class.
PS: I've dropped the mac air a few times too, never too badly though, more like putting my backpack down hard with the comp in there, no probs ever with that. Apple plastic though is : STAY AWAY from it.