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If you can throw the money at it, then Lenovo is the only way to go... (they're pricey, but have serious balls)

I'm a java developer and my grunty little T510 can run a cluster of application servers similtaneously and still have power to spare (I wuv it).
Heres one from left field .. I have a Panasonic toughbook 18cf.. Great little unit.. Cost is $5500 new but on evilbay Under a grand. Got mine for $362 very cheep. Now You can drop them. spill beer on them touch screen and tabulet form. built in GSM modem sd card reader. not the most poerful lappy. 1.1ghz and 1.5 ram. I wacked a 320gig HD in as most have a 60gig. Lots of forms of this very tough unit out there.. Good batt life as well I get 4hrs most times..

Anyway Just putting it out there....
Why not get a 2nd hand one and install Linux ( ubuntu ) on it... It will be cheap, have some serious balls,and you wont have to worry about viruses or paying for things like office etc
Why not get a 2nd hand one and install Linux ( ubuntu ) on it... It will be cheap, have some serious balls,and you wont have to worry about viruses or paying for things like office etc

Running 10.04 on the toughbook.. Bloody brillant
yeah was def gonna run with open office anyway (free only thing it can't do is the equations like ms office can).

Had a look at the toughbooks on fleabay, looks alright but that 4hr battery life is a bit weak. Would rather avoid the second hand route, my experience with laptops is that they are tempermental when new would hate to see what they are like secondhand. How is ubuntu in terms of of an OS because my old man is running red hat ver 14 I think and has had issues with it.

someone linked a pc place before they had a great little netbook which I'm thinking of getting, might run with that
Purchased a Toshiba NB305 a few weeks ago after reading some good reviews. The battery life is 9-10 hours, which was a selling point too. The only issue I can see in the future is the OS, a stripped down version of Windows 7 called 'starter' that's meant to be rubbish.

Good way to sucker me into buying another OS, well done Microsoft :angry:
Ubuntu is a fantastic OS, very user friendly. It will do everything ( and more ) than Win 7, except high level games.

The good thing with Ubuntu is you can dual boot it with other OSś.

I have been using it for a few years now, and the only reason I have to use XP is for some older legacy programs that where programed for use on XP... But VirtualBox solves that issue
Ducatiboy stu,

I like the idea of running an OS other than windoze on my netbook and givng ubuntu a go might be interesting.

Is it possible to put the OS onto a USB drive / USB hard drive and boot from there???

Can ubuntu run beersmith???? this is one of the only programs for windoze.

As for dual booting, do you mean having a partitioned hard drive?? is it possible to partiition a hard drive that is already set up, put ubuntu on it and then unpartition if needed??

Cheers, Pok
Ducatiboy stu,

I like the idea of running an OS other than windoze on my netbook and givng ubuntu a go might be interesting.

Is it possible to put the OS onto a USB drive / USB hard drive and boot from there???

Can ubuntu run beersmith???? this is one of the only programs for windoze.

As for dual booting, do you mean having a partitioned hard drive?? is it possible to partiition a hard drive that is already set up, put ubuntu on it and then unpartition if needed??

Cheers, Pok

Ubuntu is great. I have been using it for years.

The netbook edition will fit on a bootable USB drive. I think you can make a bootable usb of the full version as well.

Beersmith runs nicely under wine which is a windows emulator for linux. It comes standard with ubuntu. Wine that is... not beersmith.

There are many ways to dual boot. Some of which involve partitioning the drive. You can re-size partitions to dual boot provided you shrink any filesystems on those partitions first. Its pretty easy to do.

Yes you can make a USB boot disk, basically the whole PC runs off the USB stick, just like your HDD. MAke sure you get a nice big USB stick, although I ran Ubuntu on a 4gb stick easily. The OS only used about 2Gb... far less than win.

The good thing about a USB stick is that it will run on any PC than can boot from USB and wont interfere with the existing HDD, so you are able to take your stick and use on other PCś :icon_chickcheers:
Hmm interesting.

Might get myself a nice big cheap USB and stick it on and see what its like. Worth a shot even if just to see what Ubuntu is like.

OT: Am I the only person in the world who hates linux? At work our laptops are configured as dual boot ubuntu/XP and I dread the times when I simply can't avoid booting into linux. I'm responsible for our product's redesign and I already have plans to alter it so that there's no need for linux anymore. At the moment we must run it to configure a single board computer (SBC) which resides in our current system, and it runs a tiny version of linux. I can't wait to get rid of it.
Why do you hate it.....

It works great, i have never had an issue with it. I like the fact that it is nice and simple and fast, but has features that make M$ look lame..

As far as students go, its perfect. Free and all the applications are free, and what Win can do, Linux can do
As a student, you can get the pro version of win7 for 50 bux. You know that right? Just saves a lot of stuffing around.
Some people have issues with linux in terms of user friendlieness. I know redhat can be a real pain.
if you want something thats cheap, **** and made of plastic, buy a dell/acer/hp/compaq etc. if you want something that feels solid and is quality, buy a macbook pro.....
How does it save a lot of stuffing aound

Not knowig what sort of student he is, windows is pretty much standard for nearly all course requirements, i.e., mathematics softwares, programming, CAD, engineering softwares, a lot of graphics packages.... They can all run on windows.

I know that MacOS and Linux really excel at doing some of those things, but as a student, you need something that can do them all, amybe not be stellar at any, but does them all. It is a real issue. Macs are a good option because a LOT of commercial software has mac versions. i.e., software you need to learn to use because that is what you would use in a job. And you can dual boot with whatever you like for the few things that MacOS doesn't handle, in the bargain, you get a nice machine, but also spend more.

Trouble with running Linux only is that most businesses don't use linux, so you can't really learn what you need to on those machines. At least OSX is dumbified unix and is rather close to windows in look and feel now, so learnign the mac version takes you rather close to the windows version (for example Matlab has both windows and mac versions that are exactly the same). Some things are still a pain in anything other than windows. Like, running CAD and engineering software that need licnse server authentication, it just isn't worth the headache to try and run those in linux or OSX.... And when you look at how many things are windows only, you can pretty much think, why the F#$% don't I just use windows for everything. As I said, OSX gets you close for many things, including commercial software, BUT for complete all round compatibility, you will still need windows. And to run windows in a virtual machine is pretty lame for any serious work, might as well run it natively in windows.

^ That is what I mean by stuffing around, having to unnecessarily deal with OS compatibility issues where you shouldn't have to.

If all that has to be done is check email, browse the net and do word processing and spreadsheets, then go buy anything.
yeah was def gonna run with open office anyway (free only thing it can't do is the equations like ms office can).

Had a look at the toughbooks on fleabay, looks alright but that 4hr battery life is a bit weak. Would rather avoid the second hand route, my experience with laptops is that they are tempermental when new would hate to see what they are like secondhand. How is ubuntu in terms of of an OS because my old man is running red hat ver 14 I think and has had issues with it.

someone linked a pc place before they had a great little netbook which I'm thinking of getting, might run with that

do you mean fedora 14?? i steer clear of fedora, never been much of a fan

At least OSX is dumbified unix and is rather close to windows in look and feel now, so learnign the mac version takes you rather close to the windows version

You make it sound like OSX has just caught up with windows... windows is ****. theres nothing else to say... as for compatibility, i see nothing wrong with booting up win2k or XP in a virtual machine (both will probably be faster in your virtual machine than vista or 7 on the same hardware) and running the one or two programs you need to (if you need to)..

bah to the linux haters, i say let them sufffer on windows
Nah, i didn't say osx has just caught up, just that the menus and options on software that exist for both win n osx are now pretty much the same. Clicking behaviour, folders, files, very damn close to EACH other. Overall picture mate. Btw, if you can run catia v5r19 or v6 on winxp 32 bit, well, you're a bloody champ. There are others too that have made it impossible to run stuff on older versions of windows and is it really worth my time to deal with working around all that! I love my MacBook, but it can't do what I need it to do sometimes. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that unless ur in IT, there aren't too many reasons to put up with Linux. Software makers just don't want to write for ppl who are used to FREE (Linux users). They know their products will get hacked by 100% of the Linux users out there. On the other hand, there are enough windows and Mac users that (are dumb enough in ways) to pay for software. So that goes like that, doesn't it.

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