There's a bunch of female AHB members I believe, wonderwoman, braufrau, sandy. Was good to see a few at ANHC 2010, but yeah would be good to get more input from the ladies. The thing I'm finding socially is a resurgence in interest in cider for consumption from girls, some of them simply don't like beer. But if we could get a few starting out on ciders, maybe we could convert them to the dark side

In commercials Sam Fuss from Blackrock is a standout in Melbourne, and in the US you have a gal brewing at New Belgium Brewery (see cover of recent BYO mag), The UK there's a well known brewery in the Orkney Isles with a gal knocking out decent brews there too. Name escapes me but she's a 'canny blonde hair lassie' as they er, say it in that part of the world.