Labourer's Homebrew

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I'm a builder and was talking to a labourer recently about my homebrew.

Need to point out at this point, he's not the sharpest spoon in the draw.....

Went something like this:

Me: Yeah I've been brewing for a while now.
L:I had a go at that once
Me: Really?(Struggles to mix concrete...Homebrew?)
L: Yeah, didnt like it
Me: Why not?
L:Didn't taste like VEEBEEE
Me:What recipe did you use?
L: Dunno...couldnt wait for it to finish so I drank it all before I was supposed to bottle it.
Me: You drank it straight from the fermenter.........
Me: After how long?
L:2 days after I made it
(not worth the argument)
Me: I see
L: Yeah it wasnt bad, not VB tho, besides anyone can do it after all its not rocket surgery!

Never argue with an idiot, they only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

I'm a builder and was talking to a labourer recently about my homebrew.

Need to point out at this point, he's not the sharpest spoon in the draw.....

:lol: Not after that story you don't.

Well told. Thanks for the laugh.
he must have iron guts to be able to drink it at that stage. :icon_vomit:
Sculling back a kit beer 2 days into fermentation, awesome! It was probably better than VB.....
Massive sugar and yeast hit. Classic.

Better for you than VB.
I could write a full sitcom season on this sort of stuff in just the last 3 weeks. And I reckon it would be very funny, just not when your in the middle of it. And yeh, there is a builder involved here too.

I had a dude tell me about the great beer he used to drink in Europe where he worked for 10 years, and he liked the Pilseners. So I offered him to try a Czech Pils I had made. Well there was no feed back, (he took it home) and so after quite a while I asked how the beer went, and here's the response. "It tasted like Homebrew, .... not quite as good as Carlton Cold".

That was one waste of a good beer.

Most builders I contract for would have trouble organizing a root in a brothel.At trade school they are first in line,in front of the plumbers even,to get their ringholes stitched up tight.
i had a workmate who told me:

him: I can only drink super pale beer
me: Oh... why?
him: I cant handle the taste of darker beer its nasty
me: oh ok fair enough... what do you make?
him: coopers canadian blond with 2kg (not joking) of dextrose to up the alcahol... i like it strong.
me: wow... thats..... special. What do you ferment with?
him: yeast (looks at me weird)
me: no...... what type of yeast
him: it comes with with the can...... i thought you were a home brewer too? (looks at me puzzled) i put it in an old chest freezer with a 100w lights to get it up to 27 deg.... its done in 3 days, in the bottles are gassed in a week. The can says it can ot to 27 deg so its fine.
me: is it ok to drink? (I was AG at this stage and winning awards)
him: yeah it gets you pissed

true sorry!

He gave me a bottle to try and i put it in the bin with the cap in place!
I used to work with a guy who only drank VB.

One day at the pub I bought a round and accidently bought him a Tooheys New instead of a VB. He took one sip and went all sour faced like he just took a sip of lemon juice, put it down and said "I cant drink that". I had to take it back to the bar and get a new beer. I seriously didn't think anyone could tell the difference between bland lager A and bland lager B!
Love the story.

A few years ago when I was purely KnK, I was talking with an engineer at work who just started brewing.
He was telling me he liked low alcohol beers, and how he made them using the usual full alc recipe, but bottling it a few days in after the hydrometer dropped only a few points. I worriedly pointed out he'd be risking bottle bombs, but as a typical engineer, he started babbling ****.

Asked him a few months later how it was all going. He grumbled "not brewing anymore" and walked off.
I used to work with a guy who only drank VB.

One day at the pub I bought a round and accidently bought him a Tooheys New instead of a VB. He took one sip and went all sour faced like he just took a sip of lemon juice, put it down and said "I cant drink that". I had to take it back to the bar and get a new beer. I seriously didn't think anyone could tell the difference between bland lager A and bland lager B!

Quite unusual.

My wife used to work in a bar in Sydney and the local bar flys would gather everyday for their schooners of VB or Tooheys New. Sometimes she would accidentally pour a Tooheys New for a VB drinker or vice versa. No-one ever pulled her up about it, they couldn't tell the difference! :lol:

edit: spulling
I like the ones who drop a fish tank heater in there to keep it warm, and use good old white sugar. Mmmmmm cider/ estery alcohol water!!
I had a mate who use to work on the mines in Northern WA in the 70's and he was recalling that the standard practise out there was to brew up a big K&K batch with a truckload of sugar in a plastic bin with a teatowel over the top and just ladle it out after work warm........ :icon_vomit:
Love the story.

A few years ago when I was purely KnK, I was talking with an engineer at work who just started brewing.
He was telling me he liked low alcohol beers, and how he made them using the usual full alc recipe, but bottling it a few days in after the hydrometer dropped only a few points. I worriedly pointed out he'd be risking bottle bombs, but as a typical engineer, he started babbling ****.

Asked him a few months later how it was all going. He grumbled "not brewing anymore" and walked off.

hahaha we have a winner!
I'm a builder and was talking to a labourer recently about my homebrew.

Need to point out at this point, he's not the sharpest spoon in the draw.....

Went something like this:

Me: Yeah I've been brewing for a while now.
L:I had a go at that once
Me: Really?(Struggles to mix concrete...Homebrew?)
L: Yeah, didnt like it
Me: Why not?
L:Didn't taste like VEEBEEE
Me:What recipe did you use?
L: Dunno...couldnt wait for it to finish so I drank it all before I was supposed to bottle it.
Me: You drank it straight from the fermenter.........
Me: After how long?
L:2 days after I made it
(not worth the argument)
Me: I see
L: Yeah it wasnt bad, not VB tho, besides anyone can do it after all its not rocket surgery!

Never argue with an idiot, they only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


He did have one thing right - Anyone can do it, its not rocket surgery, even dare I say...All Grain. :ph34r: :rolleyes: