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The Odd Drop Brewery
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evn,nin all. i heard all the talk about the radio show re the girl and her lie detector test on 2day fm , the radio/tv and in the paper last week,and thought .this is is way over the top,but i just watched media watch on abc,where they aired the segment,and bloody hell did those two ........stuff up big time or what.
and all this was done with the girls mum as a willing participant,and the girl very worried about going ahead with the show ..... i cannot believe this crap was ever aired,let alone sanctioned.
.......absoluolty beggars belief,the shite that is taken as entertainment these days staggers me.
I coudn't care less what happens to that twat. I don't listen to commercial radio and I'm all for controversial, challenging media but the stunt he pulled publicly and deliberately outing a kid's dad as gay years ago made my opinion of him equate with the one I have of George W bush's intelligence quotient.
I coudn't care less what happens to that twat. I don't listen to commercial radio and I'm all for controversial, challenging media but the stunt he pulled publicly and deliberately outing a kid's dad as gay years ago made my opinion of him equate with the one I have of George W bush's intelligence quotient.

You rate him that high? :ph34r:
Goes to show his mentality by pissing away a reportedly $3.8M annual income on a shameful publicity stunt! Good bye Kyle! I really don't care except I just hope this is the absolute end of that idiot! What a twat!

As for Jack'o there's dog doo doo's on my front lawn with more intellect and IQ... ;)

As for Idol, now there's something the terrorist could at least bomb! maybe their the producers?


Edit: Had to fix speelinkz and add a bit more rant!
Echoing comments on this thread already, no loss to society at all...

Oh no (insert extreme sarcasm here...) - I just heard he lost his spot on Idol. Which I also cant stand.

:icon_offtopic: I cant stand this Idol crap either... bring back the Sunday movie, some Simpsons and some comedy show(s) of some kind.

Back OT - Maybe Jackie will need to get her puppies out in FHM or similar to further her now faltering career?
I dont like the bloke to begin with, I think he's a idiot of the highest calibre. However, I dont think that he's entirely to blame for this (note that I didnt hear the segment).

People at the station, including the producer and potentially the higher ups, approved the segment in the first place - I cant see how they thought that hooking a girl under the age of consent to a lie detector and asking her about sex was a good idea.

The girl's mother, who knew she had been raped, consented to having her take a lie detector test about sex. Seriously, WTF is up with that???

As for what he said after the girl said that she had been raped, I didnt hear it, but I cant really blame him for blurting out something stupid. Ive been in situations were someone has unexpectedly said something shocking, horrific and totally unexpected, and then said catastrophically stupid in the vain hope of rescuing the situation, completely bypassing the brain. Perhaps its not the best idea for someone like me to be hosting a radio show though.
+1 with the statements above. Good riddance I say. I'm not a big fan of most things that Channel 10 put to air, however I do think thay (if they actually had any say in it..) did the right thing by relieving him of his Idol position. Or perhaps it was just the producers that made this decision, which certainly isn't enought to warrant me actually watching that crap.

Maybe I'll even give Ch10 a re-look (but not likely).
the man needs a public flogging, I'm busy this arvo but I could do it tomorrow.
great segment on media watch wasnt it. great little show actually.

kyle is a knob and jackie is just as bad. she's a tart trying to be smart.
great segment on media watch wasnt it. great little show actually.

kyle is a knob and jackie is just as bad. she's a tart trying to be smart.

Instead of just a dumb tart like me LOL! joking.....

As a mother I can not understand the mothers actions. Incredible. Im really worried about society and where it is going. anything for 5 minutes of fame!
Katie: There's always going to be stupid, thoughtless people, namely everyone involved in that saga (with exception to the young girl). I think (hope) by this being a big issue, it will change others for the better.

I'm not sure if this whole thing is Kyle's fault, the management's fault, or the mother's fault (or a combination thereof), but Kyle is indeed a knob. While he hasn't done anything worth being punished in a legal sense, I wouldn't feel sorry for him if he contracted some sort of disease. Not anything lethal or painful, but something inconveniencing like chronic explosive diarrhoea (that happens to strike about 2am every morning).
I wouldn't feel sorry for him if he contracted some sort of disease

something excruciating, that a pain reliever for said disease currently remains undiscovered...
Adamt " chronic explosive diarrhoea (that happens to strike about 2am every morning)"

ROFL! :lol: Classic! Infact I would probably pay good money to see that happen to him... repeatedly. Might twitter that suggestion to him? :ph34r:

Instead of just a dumb tart like me LOL! joking.....
dont be silly sweetie your not dumb :eek: :p .

im dumbfounded at the mother also. its a stupid stupid situation/stunt and lack of judgment of behalf of all.
What a tool. Of all the things I miss in the news I am glad I caught this one. I didn't see Media Watch but assume they had the transcript. If you missed it, the clip can be heard on last Wednesdays Hack, right at the end. It is quite shocking.

I am still surprised that the show has been canned. Don't get me wrong, I think it should have been, but I just didn't think it would actually happen. I agree with Adamt, something explosive at 2am is good.

Note: the hack link will only be valid till 3pm on the 5/8/09
dont be silly sweetie your not dumb :eek: :p .

Didn't you chastise people less than a week ago for such 'bad form' toward poor defenseless members (not my take, but others)? Everyone's joking, it makes little difference if smileys are used or not. Your insinuation is the very thing you pull other up on.

What's the word that I'm looking for, beginning with 'H'?
Didn't you chastise people less than a week ago for such 'bad form' toward poor defenseless members (not my take, but others)? Everyone's joking, it makes little difference if smileys are used or not. Your insinuation is the very thing you pull other up on.

What's the word that I'm looking for, beginning with 'H'?
oh f*ck me here we go again.

me doing it and you doing it are differant things. KT and I like each other. good humour between friends.

What's the word that I'm looking for, beginning with 'your a dickhead'?

unless of course i have completely misjudged our friendship KT then I sincerly apologise.
why the bl00dy hell do I keep looking at this stupid thread for? I don't even list to 2DAYfm. :blink:
I can feel brain cells dying as I type.