King Of Tart

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Hi all,

Ive been brewing a raspberries wheat beer over the last week and it has been going well. I used a standard wheat beer recipe and added half a kg of raspberries to the primary fermentor.

I then racked it in to the seconday with1.5 kg of raspberries. It's been two days now and it tastes quite tart.

My question is if the tartness will disapate over time, or what can i add to the wort to minimise the tartness.u
Really good question and one I have been pondering myself, as I have a raspberry wheat in the keg at the moment.

I am not sure if adding a unfermentable sugar like milk sugar or malto dextrine (i think) would offset the tartness or just ruin the beer.

It may not help you this time, but prehaps trialing a fruit flavouring such as Link! may result in a sweet not tart finish.

I hope someone else has a more direct answer, as I have just maybe given you more questions, not more answers
malto dex is partially fermentables. it will add body not decrease tartness. lactose (you referred to as milk sugar) will add some sweetness but not sure i'd be doing that with a wheat beer. others can comment on that

the fruit quality will dissapate over time. they are best drunk youngish. plenty of other have brewed fruit beers so they might be able to help more. you could also search for the term raspberry./ you;'ll get the results you need i think
Can you taste any 'raspberry flavour' or is it covered by the tartness?
I brewed a cherry ale and used ALOT of sour cherries and the thought crossed my mind that i may have gone overboard with the quantities, but it has mellowed into a very smooth beer. Not sure if this applies to raspberries but give it 6 weeks in the bottle and if the tartness hasn't subsided then you can probly be worried. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
You added raspberries, and now it's tart.....omg, thank god you didn't add lemon rind....that would make it sour. :unsure:

Add a tart fruit, of course it will be tart....

edit; sorry dude, but it kinda goes without saying....
Yeah I guess I should have used a different fruit. Didn't think it would give me desert mouth when drinking it though.

Like Rack'EmUp says if it is good in six weeks great, but if not too bad and try again.
Not sure if you've ever had fresh raspberries on their own before, but they're some ripe suckers.
Naturally this will go away with some conditioning. I've found the fruit beers i've made don't really come into their own until a few months in the bottle...the flavours are a bit muddled until then.

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