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been readn for a while but this is first post.
I have only just started brewn with kegs and its made the
experince much more enjoyable.
(sick of scrubn bottles)
it started with one keg.
then there was three.
then five.
now there be six.
when does it end?
how many kegs does the average brewer own?
been brewn for years but very limited knowladge
200 coopers lager kits down the hatch i recon.
its what pop brewed ,dad brewed an what i brewed.
little more adventuress latley.
tell ya the truth i never even new what all grain brewing was till about three
weeks ago.
broke me back awhile ago playn silly buggers
so all grain set ups off for a bit so im just compiling some ideas
an knowledge.
love kegs.....there awesome.
when does it end?
how many kegs does the average brewer own?

No such thing as the average brewer ! Everyone here has their own opinion on what is 'normal' shall we say....
Personally - 11 x 9L kegs & 6 x 19L kegs.
Totally depends on your fridge space IMO. For me, I can fit 5 in the freezer and two in the fermenting fridge if I want to cold condition. Having another in the garage to transfer is also handy which brings it to 8. I also have a 12 litre which I got for the step of the freezer to put a Stout in. I go through around 1.5 cartons a week and this amount of kegs allows me to condition the beer plenty long enough..

so all grain set ups off for a bit so im just compiling some ideas an knowledge.
Check out Fresh Wort Kits bro. If you can't do all grain yet you can still drink it :chug:. They set you back about $50 for 20 Litres....
i own three kegs which is ok for me,it depends how much you drink and party with mates to your requirements
6 x 19lt's here.

Heaps for what i need, and i feel my consumption is a tad on the ridiculous side sometimes. Have 3 fermenters and that seems to work out well, can have full kegs, 3 fermenting, and that's enough headroom for my stock levels to rotate nicely.
8x19L, 4x9.5L

I can keep 5 in my keg fridge, and the rest in cold storage... If only I could keep them full ;)
i am going to fill and carb my 1st keg today :chug:
i have 4 x 19l

cant seem to fill them all the time.. but usually brew as one is emptied.
I have:

5 x 20L
4 x 19L
1 x 15L
7 x 9L
4 X 5L

Like most on here, if the price is right I would probably buy more.
The number of kegs you need is t+1, where t=the number of kegs you currently own.

I currently own 9 kegs, which means I need 10 :D

Cheers - Snow
kegs 10 x 19ltrs

ferms 5 off.

But I brew for two!
I'm a tad embarrassed ... 9 beers on tap

1 x 40L
2 x 20L
12 x 19L
2 x 12L
1 x 9.5

Carboy :icon_cheers:
Thought I was a ragin alcoholic.
You blokes are awesome.
Everyone needs 100 lt of beer on hand
In case of emergency.
I like to age beer an I always like to have somn
Me an my best friend can usually roll a keg in a night.
An usually 2 or 3 a week depending on kids +stress x heat
Gotta slow down a bit but I work offshore for upto a month a hit
An a fair bit of time off so it all evens out.
Sounds like some pretty serious beer smiths here.
Don't feel so bad about collecting kegs now.
Thanks for the replys
I have 6 19L kegs and 2 9L kegs.

I can only fit 5 19L kegs and 1 9L keg in my bar.

What I'd really love is a cold room to be honest. Would love to have kegs just waiting to go, sitting in a cold room.
What I'd really love is a cold room to be honest. Would love to have kegs just waiting to go, sitting in a cold room.


8 x 19l

4 taps in my fridge. My fermenting fridge just died seriously thinking of setting up a
fermenting/cellaring/serving room rather than run 3 fridges :beerbang:
I have 8 x 19L kegs,but only three taps which i find is not enough,so would like 6-8 taps which means i'll need 12 kegs :beer: