Keg Sunday drink Thursday - advice please

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somewhere on the slippery slope with a beer in han
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Eagle Point, VIC
Hi all,

still noobing my way 'round kegs

Kegged a wheat today that i'd like to enjoy Christmas day, so today is Sunday and Thursday evening i'd like to tap one off to be sure that the next day it'll be ok

At the mo it has 12.5psi in it after purging but is not connected to Co2. it is not in a fridge...I was thinking of leaving it at cellar temp until Wednesday night then putting it in the fridge - then Thursday arvo doing the Ross method

I am a bit lost really so some clear, clean advice would be appreciated, hell - any advice

TIA :beer:
You'll need a higher pressure than normal to carb at room temp to whatever your desired volumes of CO2 are.

For example you wanted 2.6 volumes for your wheats and your cellar temp was 15C. Setting the regulator at 23.9psi will get you that, but obviously it will take ~2 weeks for this as that is the equilibirum pressure for that CO2 volumes at that temp.

To make this happen fast, ie. force carbonating, you need to go higher. I would not recommend going higher than 40 psi. But setting to 40 psi for 24 hours, then dropping it to 23.9psi until Wednesday at which you can then put it into the fridge and drop your pressure again down to 12.5psi (or whatever your desired serving pressure at your fridge temp is) will get you there.

You can calculate these pressure based on the temp with this calculator:

Hope that helps?
Mate 4 days is plenty of time. Get it cold to 4c as soon as possible. Crank co2 to 240kpa and leave it for 36hrs. Turn off gas and you will,see the gauge still has pressure to around 160ish....let that sit for 12hrs to finish absorbing and then pour a glass. You could have it ready by Wednesday.
I'm with pratty 1 on this. By far the most reliable method in my 8 years of kegging.
i just like, like every reply

I have whacked it in the fridge and put a Chrissy APA in as well though that's been sitting at cellar temp for 7 days now on the co2 bottle @ 12.5

what should I do with that one?

follow the link from DJ would be a good start hehe

cheers and beers
If it's already had 7 days, it's most of it's way to fully carbed. 14 days is definitely but realistically 10 days is probably how long it takes with the 'set and forget method'.

I'd just disconnect the APA for the 24 hours you have the other beer at 40 psi, then set them both to your fridge serving temp for the rest of the days. :beer:
Keep the pressure on it, leave it in the fridge too. 70 kPa is a good compromise between the two. Not sure about psi so I'll let you do the conversion. If it won't pour with fizz on the day bust out the Ross method, but you should be ok. Force carbing is easy.
Hijacking thread. 0 degrees and 100kpa from Friday night. Was going to up the temp on Wednesday to 4 degrees. Looking for 2.2 cold bit chrissy lunch. Dreaming?