Keg, Not Bottles!

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How kegged are you?

  • No. I only bottle my brews and that's fine with me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I bottle at the moment and it sh!ts me to tears, so I'm kegging soon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I keg a few & bottle a few to mature or give to friends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100% keg all my beer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My vote should be obvious by my signature. Except the darn fridge is too warm at the mo :(. But i'm getting close.

I don't mind bottling, but it's such a drawn out process.
Interesting topic...

I've kind of come full circle with the kegging thing. I usually fill the keg and then bottle whatever's left (not much) but bottled beer is so much more convenient for giving away, taking to places etc. that I find I'm kegging less and less with each batch.

And on top of that the last six batches I've brewed have been Belgians, and I am convinced they really benefit from bottle-conditioning, so I'm bottling all of those.

I finally got the bottle situation under control and now I'm back to having hundreds of bottles lying around. You should see my bedroom - it's a disaster! :eek:
Somewhat on but mostly off-topic, what are people's experiences with bottle-conditioning with various yeasts?

I've been thinking a lot more about the effect of B-Cing lately because I've started to notice it making a really significant difference in how a beer tastes.

In my experience, Belgian yeasts really benefit from B-Cing, and the B-Ced beer has a more complex yeast character than the kegged, force carbed version. At the opposite end of the scale I've found that British yeasts do not react at all well to B-Cing, and the force carbed, kegged beer tastes way better. US ale and lager strains generally come out about even I reckon.

And I haven't really tried much keg-conditioning so I don't think I really have an opinion on that (yet.)

I'm with Kong, half way between 1 and 2, but I voted 2.

I bottle everything ATM, with 330ml LCB stubbies, and yes its a pain, but I'm kinda used to it now.
No kegs 'coz of space probs, but I'm thinking about playing around with a party style setup, eg: Sodastream or small extinguisher CO2 and a Pressure Sprayer bottle.
I think I saw some decent sized bottles at Bunnings ages ago, like 8 or 9 litres? hmmm.

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