I'm only stressing about the hop matter making it into the fermenter because I don't want clogged kegs again! That was a pain in the ass. I guess I need to either get a spider or sihpon off the top rather than try and use my fermenter's tap.SBOB said:i would ignore efficiency for now and just work on getting the process sorted..making beer isn't suppose to be a pain in the a*s (well, mostly not)
- If you aim to do hop forward beers, a hop sock/hop spider is a decent investment especially if you are worried about a bit of hops making its way into the fermenter (personally, for your first few batches I wouldnt stress it..it will settle out into the crap you leave in the fermenter anyway. )
- calculate your efficiency for the last brew and use that on your next beer smith recipe and see if you hit the predicted numbers. The difference between a 60% efficiency and 80% efficiency in a robobrew batch would be about $1 worth of grain. I'll take consistently repeatable results for a $1 over trying to reach some arbitrary efficiency (especially as you are having the brew shop do the crush you have less control over one of those variables)
Is 110g a large amount of hops in a boil?