Did my first brew last night on this and, damn it was hard. I'm going to list my problems below. Nothing majorly wrong with the unit, just some headaches I encountered that will need to be rectified for batch #2:
- I got home from work late, and didn't start heating my strike water until 6;30-7:00
- I didn't get a ball valve for my pump, so didn't set it up. Instead, I manually recirculated with a 3L jug. Can confirm temperature differences between bottom and top of mash. I think this is mostly due to the "slim N tall" design of the unit. Having the pump running next time will keep the temps more consistent
- Sparging/volumes. I mashed in with 14-15L. Sparged with like 13-16L and only got a pre-boil volume of 26L tops. And I was still under gravity. Think I'll be more careful with my volume calculations next time
- Boiling was about the only thing that was a success. With both elements on and with 26L in the boil, it was dangerously close to boiling over. With the calculated 29L in there, it would have boiled over for sure. I did turn the 500w element off, and would have sooner if I had 29L in there.
- Evaporation wasn't as much as I'd have thought. I only lost about 1L during a 75 min boil, and it was quite vigorous the entire time (see above)
- The bloody chiller. This was entirely my fault. I didn't have any hose clamps that were small enough to seal the hose properly onto the chiller so I had to use some bigger ones I had lying around. I think I had a very slight trickle into the batch which cost me a few more gravity points by diluting it. Definitely need to invest in some better/smaller hose clamps or look at some alternatives here.
- It was 10:30 by the time I began chilling. By 11:15, I decided to just put the 59 degree wort into my better bottle fermenter (max heat rating 60 degrees), put it in the fridge and pitch in the morning.
- Pitched the yeast this morning. The new pure pitch packets from white labs. I cleaned and sanitised my scissors, cut the packet on the indicated line, then got yeasties everywhere. Managed to get the rest of the packet in but, oh... I forgot to aerate the wort...
- I haven't cleaned anything except the malt pipe and chiller. There is still wort and hot break all over the boiler (lid on). This is not gonna be pretty when I get home tonight....
F**k it. I've never had a brew where I've been as ill-prepared, or gotten to the point of just saying "f**k it". I doubt this will be anywhere near my best brew, let alone whether or not it will be drinkable. I HAD to do it last night because it was my last chance to brew something for beerfest (a personal challenge to enter something). OG is 1.045 and I was aiming for 1.050.