Keg Carbination

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Hey Guys :)

I'm making my first brew (Coopers Cerveza) and i'm just finishing up on the fermentation side of things. I am going to eventually be having this bottled up in my Grolsch style longneck bottles, but I want to do the carbonation in my brothers keg setup out the back with a co2 bottle rather than priming each bottle. Are there any disadvantages from transferring from keg via beer gun to bottle and how much carbonation would I lose? Is there any way around keeping the carbonation as it should be during transfer?

sorry about the naive questions.

If you try and make a 'dip tube' from the tap into the bottom of the bottle, pour at the slowest speed possible, and pre-chill the bottles they will last alright for a few days.
I just jab a piece from a broken racking cane on one of the portable taps and pour away. This way the bottles are filled from the bottom with little disturbance. I chill the bottles in the freezer first and turn the gas off and vent the keg so it just pours. I usually get enough foam to push out all the O2. If you are worried you can pull the connection off the tank and purge the bottles with CO2 first.

If you are going to fill an entire keg you will need to turn the regulator way down to keep pouring till empty.

I use this method for filling all my bottles for competition. As long as the beer has proper carbonation and you cap as soon as the bottle is filled I see no problems.
i'll def be capping straight away, how long will the beer stay fresh this way?

also just another question. at which tempreture should I be carbonating at? is room tempreture on with me putting the bottles in the fridge after to cool the beer fine?

sorry about the questions
if your going to be bottling the full batch, I wouldn't go through the keg (if you buy a CPBF then it may be a better option, but again I would be carbonating cold and storing cold), I THINK (my opinion only :) ) most of the people who bottle from a keg do so for a few bottles at a time (party, comp, etc..)

If you just want to carbonate in a keg so as to get the carbonation level right/consistant, then you could try a bulk prime.
yeh id just like the option of taking beer places with me if i goto mates houses to watch the footy :)
yeh id just like the option of taking beer places with me if i goto mates houses to watch the footy :)

I've got my beer on tap and I just pour into a grolsh bottle before I go out and take that, stays carbed all night but if I'm sending a bottle up to my dad I'll add a little LDME to help keep it carbed and he hasn't complained of a flat beer yet.
hhmmmmm, so many decisions to be made.

im a day out from carbonation and ill have to make my mind up quick deciding between forced and natural carbontion.

cheers guys
I have a keg setup with 19ltr cornys and just bottle what's left over... Not many to bottle then
so I have the keg at home and some to take out when needed.

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