Barley Bomber
Did you use the dry yeast supplied?ESB bavarian wheat is one of the best kits around.
Other than dry hopping or using better yeast, leave this one alone.
It will taste brilliant!
I brewed it (admittedly years ago, when the lhbs stocked it) with W3056 yeast, as it was labelled as Bavarian.
Anyway, I got a load of hop flavour which hung around, almost to the last bottle, which overpowered any Bavarian flavour from the yeast.
It may have been that I was used to more subtlety, or that I was expecting a certain style.
My friends enjoyed it, but I cared little for it. It was always a bit scary for my taste-buds.
SO, ...please be aware of mis-labelling, and don't rely on the name. Check the ingredients and description of what the beer should turn out to be. Labelling can be misleading, with the prime example of Victoria Bitter, which is not a bitter, and some might say that it's not a lager either (dog's bath water, perhaps?)