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why grain when i got the best ones anyway corona like 50.00 to 80.00 dollars at the bottle'o they cost just was just 40.00 or 30.00 anyway . i remember lager at the horse races when my sister went to buy another beer than VB this time so we looked at getting one from the premium rang blue mountain etc cost 11.10 dollars a schooner she said that we can get one but thats all for the high % rang ones could of got two VB for the same price but went the blue premium rang instead because we were not likely going to get to try one at the pub anyway.
Your freakin' me out Kerrplease!
its shopping complex large wheelie bin moving from mc donalds they have drive though 24 hours day
the trucks come in and just about come thought the back door its that loud.
Why grain? Because you can brew way better beers than Mexican cat piss for about 10% of the bottle shop price...
Well that's a couple of train rides with folks looking at me like I'm mad.. Many lolz and I'd like to thank all contestants for playing so well..
might do a mash in the ferment er at 60 to 70 D Celsius then the boil with the hops 60 mins if i mash in the ferment er i can use the valve to drain most of the wort out with out the grains .then just ferment for the two weeks.
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