Ive been here nearly (sort of) 2 years. Ive learnt a great deal from this site and had a few laughs too (what happened to butters?)
What amazes me is how fasty's managed to post nearly 400 times... Ive j..u..s..t. gone over the 100 mark!
I spend an hour or two every other night checking over posts and making the odd comment but 400 posts in what, a month and a bit! (********* at maths)
what worries me is fasty is a brew master!!! (only kidding mate)
Oh its is a queenslander thing, I moved here 2 years ago from Newcastle and had to learn a whole new language.
and they sell lottery tickets from a Coffin, They call it "Golden Casket" i keep falling about laughing every-time i see that!
Oh and all their shops shut very early, there's No 24hr supermarket and there's 1000's more chuches which everyone goes too!. Spose Belke Peterson made em 20 years ago after arresting all the kids at "discos" and Banning "pop" music.
Then the houses, most of look like they were built in the 1860's rather than the 1960's!
Or the "old worlde sytle" shops with awnings. I went though the Newcastle Earthquake and it nearly killed me. ALL the awnings in Newcastle had to go, OR be heavely shored up and then taken away, lightweight modern ones are ok. But HERE christ Id hate to see what a small magnitude quake would do to Brisbane and its subberbs
Light blue touchpaper and stand well back.......