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hey a little window just popped up with some one sayin they do AG in darwin and there waiting some more pieces to arrive before they can do another AG. any how i pressed the wrong button i lost the window. when its all set up and ready to go let me no and if you don't mind i'd like to come along ill bring the beers if you got nothin on tap. post somethin or Email me at [email protected] cheers sorry dude din't catch your name
Click on the bit at the top of the page which will say "1 New Message"

You'll find his message there, and be able to reply.


if you could send me wassa's honey porter recipe or give me the web adress of the forum it'd be great

A quick cut n paste job:

1 can Cascade Mahogany Porter
1 kg DDME
500gm Yellow Box Honey, although for this one I'm trying 500gm Leatherwood honey.
Make up to 22 litres
Dry hop 16gm Cascade
Pitch with Safale.

Also check out this link which has a lot of comments about the recipe. (and a few variations).

You crack me up pisswreck (sorry, laughing at your expense!) with your comments, I gather you have not used forums alot! But I like how you say exactly what you want if you don't know, wish more people did!
Like microbe said you can reach the message in your member area, it's basically an internal (forum) email system known as PMs (personal messaging).
Good to hear someone has got in touch with you, I know there are a few up there.
its ok laugh at me all you want, the girlfriend always does! Na havn't used many forums but im bloody glad i joined this one. been read alot about brewing and i've learnt more of this site then anywhere else and thanks a lot you guys are really helpful, no seriously thanks
from the raging pisswreck!
its ok laugh at me all you want, the girlfriend always does! Na havn't used many forums but im bloody glad i joined this one. been read alot about brewing and i've learnt more of this site then anywhere else and thanks a lot you guys are really helpful, no seriously thanks
from the raging pisswreck!

Hey mate,

That was me that sent you that message. Just ordered a March Pump and upgrading the brewery, so it will be ready in about a week or two depending on freight.

I will let you know when it is all up and running.


hey guy wonderin if yous could help me out with somethin. i did a coopers honey mahogany porter kit brew 2 weeks ago i added the can off malt, 1kg dextrose , 1kg of liquid sugar cooked for 45min, ice bathed and tooped up to 23 lt and pitched yeast. started slow but then moved along well after 2 weeks the air lock is still just bubbling, mabye once peer hour but the SG is a still at 11 and temp stayed at 29-30 the hole time. however in the packet it sez do not bottle until SG reachs 6. what do you guys think?
oh and one other i take it that safale is a type off yeast?

Yeah sorry mate, should have been more specific, but it was just a cut n paste job!
To be exact it was Safale S-05 which is an American Ale style yeast.

About the brew, you have a large amount of fermentables in there so it could well take a while to ferment out, however at those temps it would normally be done buy now - try to keep the temp down if possible to a better 18-20deg, but in the NT thats going to mean pretty much a dedicated fridge.

I have had some normal brews sometimes take 3-4 weeks to ferment out fully, when the SG is constant over a few days then bottle, don't worry about the reading the instructions said to bottle at as you modified the recipe by the sounds of it, the rule here is bottle when the SG remains constant over a couple of days.

Just curious also why the boil? Kit's don't really need boils, unless you are doing extracts and hopping yourself for bitterness/flavouring.
When I was doing kits I did small boils (usually 15mins or so) but usually only the malt extract and sugars to dissolve it and also when adding grains or hops.
Don't ever boil the actual can unless it is unhopped liquid malt extract as you will drive away the hops that have been used in the kit.

My biggest advice though is try and get lower fermentation temps if possible, keep an eye out for an old spare fridge.
Or an old broken fridge/chest freezer and use frozen bottles of water to keep the temp down - that's what I do.
cheer dude you've been more than helpfull its been at 6SG for three days now so i think i bottle tommorrow
The projected fg is for the tin and a kilo (and even then it's ridiculously optomistic half the time). As soon as you add more stuff to it, its going to change. THe airlock is not an indication of fermentation....it sometimes doesn't bubble at all (dodgy seal on the fermenter), adn sometimes it will continue to bubble (co2 coming out of solution, changes in temperature and humidity, etc). So ignore the airlock....its just designed to keep crap from falling into the fermenter.

If the SG has been stable for 3 days or more, you could bottle it. I'ts finished.

Agree with wambesi about the boil, unless adding hops, or the steepings of grain, theres not a lot of point in it.

And those temps...youve really got to try and find a way to get them down as much as you can, preferably to 18-20. It will improve your results by a factor of 10. ;)
Boiling the kits and malt extracts can also darken it so if you do ever add your own hops/grains and need to boil later on I would only use say half the can of malt (if unhopped) or half the dried malt extract so you wont darken the whole brew, otherwise skip the boils for now.

Sounds like it is ready to bottle then, like butters said ignore the airlock signs.
I just bottled a brew yesterday that had been in the fermenter for five weeks, it had a stable FG but still kept bubbling.
It can be signs of an infection (I'm hoping not!) but also just expelling CO2 from temp changes etc as butters said.

Relax, bottle it and get brewing again!

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