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hey wondering you can help me with a few things
1 any tip on keeping fermNTATION temp down
2 wats the best way to clean kegs mainly the in an out lets?
3 wats the best yeast yeast and hops to use for a german lager, caronna, tooheys extra dry?
hey wondering you can help me with a few things
1 any tip on keeping fermNTATION temp down
2 wats the best way to clean kegs mainly the in an out lets?
3 wats the best yeast yeast and hops to use for a german lager, caronna, tooheys extra dry?

Welcome aboard firstly.

1. Suggestions include wrapping fermenter in camping mat, use frozen water containers against your fermenter, use a fermentation fridge, etc.
2. I use keg line cleaner run some through the keg sytem. I also use a metho spray bottle for my gas in post, just a quick spray prior all that is required.
3. not sure - will leave for other more educated brewers...
hey been readin all about patials and AG brew whats a good place to find a step by step guide on how you do these sort of brews
and mabye a good easy drinking recipe to start of with?
hey i just watched a video on youtube about ag brewing. looks a bit long and drawn out is it really worth going to al this trouble? does it really taste so much better (be honest) i've 9-10 kit brews and it taste like pretty good. and how much will i have to spend to get all the equipment needed to do so? for $400 i can buy a still and make some whippin spirts or some moonshine to run my mini nitro car lol. witch im sure will be a bucket of fun.
also i'm interested in growing my own hops. if anyone has done it or still doing it i'd like any tips you can give me. i live in darwin (tropical aus ******* hot and humid) wats a good hops for the taste and the weather.
The "is AG worth it" and "how much does it cost" questions get raised probably every month or so, and generally turn into pretty long threads.....if you use the search function, you'll have hours and hours of reading.
Hi pisswreck,
Welcome to the forums. As far as AG being worth it, definately, in my opinion. It takes next to no time to buy a can of goo from a supermarket, add water & sugar, pitch the yeast & you are done. When the time comes to taste that magical home brew you spent a whole 10 mins on, I bet you would rather do AG brewing, that's why you're here. I was a keen home brewer for years & I reckon I made my goo beers as good as they could get, & compared to what I make now, realised how bad my beers were. Half the fun of AG brewing is the long drawn out process of creating that wonderful beer you can achieve with AG. I wouldn't go back to kit beers if you paid me. I really wouldn't bother growing you're own hops, too much of a pain. If you do decide to go AG, you will probably try all sorts of recipes & settle on a few that you really like & if you grow you're own hops, you'll probably need an orchard for all those different varieties out there. Around $500.00 will get you started with AG.
Forget the still, I went down that road. Ended up selling it & spent the money on kegging gear etc.
Good luck,
cheers. if i do go to grain brewing should i do a patial fist or go full AG. as i said i live in the territory so i am a piss wreck and love my spirts so might give that a go as well
hi pisswreck
love the name
don`t wanna swap do yer?

Jump in boots & all mate. Go full AG.
Never done a partial so can't comment on that one.
I think a lot of brewers who started on partials ended up going full AG.
Just take the plunge.
Jump in boots & all mate. Go full AG.
Never done a partial so can't comment on that one.
I think a lot of brewers who started on partials ended up going full AG.
Just take the plunge.

Yeah go for it!
I did a stack of kits and a few extracts thinking they were pretty good until I tasted some AG's in a case swap, I knew I already wanted to move to AG sometime but that just sealed the deal and made me get to it quicker.

There are plenty of guides around, Palmers book as quoted above is a great resource as is a few guides on here if you search, check out the articles (wiki) section. Another way to start into AG with minimal equipment is BIAB, I started this way as have many others and have now done quite a few tasty batches.

I'm moving to a three vessel system but only for the reason that I like to tinker and try everything out, I'm not expecting a taste difference.

Hops are actually quite easy to grown although I'm not sure Darwin weather would treat them well, also not sure if the few members here from Darwin grow them either - you can always try!
I sure don't miss that hot weather though, my three years there was enough for me! Nice place for a holiday though... ;)
na sorry no name swappin, got the the nick name from my friends when i started brewing (at 15 mind you) and its stuck pretty well. yeah the whether is a bit crap at times but the fishin is to good to leave. i think i will go full ag pretty soon any suggestions for a first recipe to try would be awesome
hey wombesi howd your honey porter go, im about to bottle a kit brew of the same and i think i should be kick ass
na sorry no name swappin, got the the nick name from my friends when i started brewing (at 15 mind you) and its stuck pretty well. yeah the whether is a bit crap at times but the fishin is to good to leave. i think i will go full ag pretty soon any suggestions for a first recipe to try would be awesome

Find someone that does AG up there first and check out a brewday, you then can see if you want to do it first and how simple/or not it is... ;)

Its easier seeing it done first by someone else and asking questions than ranting on about how to do it/what recipe/what gear do i need on here...
good idea if any1 in darwin is doing an AG soon in darwin i'd love to come along please let me no
hey wombesi howd your honey porter go, im about to bottle a kit brew of the same and i think i should be kick ass

It's a real nice malty porter, needs a little more time in the bottle though.
It's my first all grain attempt at it, next time I also need to add some more honey.

I did a kit one (my last kit) with Wassa's recipe from another forum, it was the best damn kit beer I made!
if you could send me wassa's honey porter recipe or give me the web adress of the forum it'd be great

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