I've Lost The Plot!

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I just put a brew in a fermenter, pitched the yeast from a healthy starter.

But im having troubles coming to terms with what i did next :unsure:

I put an electric blanket around it, wraped it in a woolen blanket......... and put it near the fire in my bar room!

And theeeeeeeeeeen....... i set the temperature controller at 27 deg c.

and i'm thinking this may be a bit cool :unsure:

Its a saison and im using Wyeast 3724

The website says...............

Classic farmhouse ale yeast. Spicy and complex aromatics including bubble gum. Very tart and dry on palate with mild fruit. Finishes crisp and mildly acidic. Benefits from elevated fermentation temperatures. This strain is notorious for a rapid and vigorous start to fermentation, only to stick around 1.035 sg. Fermentation will eventually finish, given time and warm temperatures.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 76-80%
Temperature Range: 70-95F, 21-35C
Alcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV

Im thinking about getting it started at 27 and upping the temp to 30 tomorrow.

The starter sat at around 28 in my bar area and it tasted great! Thin and watery as it was the last dribbles from the mash but the yeast character was great! And a bit more temperature wouldnt hurt it a bit.

I feel like im following the instructions on a can of goop.......... it just goes against all my brewing morals to ferment at 30 deg, but when in Rome........... :)

The Jamil show on Saison is well worth a listen. It suggests finishing your beer off with US-05 or similar once the fermentation gets stuck... Nice to hear the proper yeast will do its job if left to its own devices.

Off memory I think Jamil suggests its worthwhile to ramp the temp up slowly, too....
I used a farmhouse yeast I got off Rukh, not sure of the strain... maybe wyeast.
Damn thing took 7 weeks to ferment out, and finished round 1004, and that was in November-January heat.
YEah im thinking keep it at 27 for the first mad rush of fermentation then heat it up to try and reduce Fusels.

fingers crossed!
I just put a brew in a fermenter, pitched the yeast from a healthy starter.

But im having troubles coming to terms with what i did next :unsure:

I put an electric blanket around it, wraped it in a woolen blanket......... and put it near the fire in my bar room!

And theeeeeeeeeeen....... i set the temperature controller at 27 deg c.

and i'm thinking this may be a bit cool :unsure:

Its a saison and im using Wyeast 3724

The website says...............

Classic farmhouse ale yeast. Spicy and complex aromatics including bubble gum. Very tart and dry on palate with mild fruit. Finishes crisp and mildly acidic. Benefits from elevated fermentation temperatures. This strain is notorious for a rapid and vigorous start to fermentation, only to stick around 1.035 sg. Fermentation will eventually finish, given time and warm temperatures.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 76-80%
Temperature Range: 70-95F, 21-35C
Alcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV

Im thinking about getting it started at 27 and upping the temp to 30 tomorrow.

The starter sat at around 28 in my bar area and it tasted great! Thin and watery as it was the last dribbles from the mash but the yeast character was great! And a bit more temperature wouldnt hurt it a bit.

I feel like im following the instructions on a can of goop.......... it just goes against all my brewing morals to ferment at 30 deg, but when in Rome........... :)



Best ferment at 20C so you dont get those fusel alchohol flavours then work the temp up to 27C according to Jamil

Hope you mashed at 64Cas this is a difficult yeast to get attenuation

You may need to get a big 4 litre starter of US 05 if it fails to atttenuate

Pumpy :)
Yeah mate mashed in at 64 and it cooled to 62/3 deg.

It should get sown ok.......... the pack swole within 3 hrs of smacking and the starter was dont in 36 hrs, settled out almost bright. And it sure left the starter dry. No sweetness left in there at all.

Im all excited about this...... something different to keep me on my toes :)

Tony .

The Saison is a wonderful beer you will enjoy it .

Pumpy :)
It sounds like an interesting brew and yeast indeed.

Maybe serve with some killer 'devils tongue' chilli con carne ? ;)
Like Pumpy said, I'd be starting it cool, not at 27c. Lift the temp slowly after the first few days & ramp it all the way up.

Good luck tony.

Cheers Ross
I reckon you shouldnt have much trouble getting it to attenuate. Last time I used that yeast I mashed at 65 and I got near 80% attenuation. Started at 26 and finished at 30.

Be wary though, itll do 90% of the fermenting in a couple days, it takes aagges to get down those last couple points, but it will. From memory I think it took 6 weeks total or something. I didn't want to be adding other yeasts to dry it out or anything because I wanted to keep the chance for salvaging yeast from the bottle.
The proper saison strain is a b!tch. 10wks to ferment from 1072ish, temps up to 35degs easy, started it off around 22ish, and it only dropped 20grav points before stalling. LOTS of heat was the only thing that saved me, it kept dropping each week, but not by much. And at the end of it, not bad sort of flavours and what have you from it, but hardly fantastic and I only got it to finish at 1008, should have mashed lower than 66. Oh well, live and learn... just shouldn't have tried to brew it for a Chrissy case swap.


We Both know its going to be funky...

I am coming to Newy this weekend for a funeral....Sat may be a good day to sample it... B)
Like Pumpy said, I'd be starting it cool, not at 27c. Lift the temp slowly after the first few days & ramp it all the way up.

Good luck tony.

Cheers Ross

German brewer I got a Saison off of recently started at 30 and crept it up to 32???!!! Sounded crazy but when i tried the beer it was superb!!

Apparantly 30*c is the ideal temp for the Belgian Saison yeast :blink:
Holy Crap!! Mine has only been at 23-24 for about 3 weeks. I haven't aken a hydro of it yet as I thought I would just leave it and see how it was coming along. Maybe I should go take a sample and see where it is at. I am using the WLP565 Belgian Saison I Ale.
I am sure when I looked it up it was around that temp that most people had brewed it.
I am coming to Newy this weekend for a funeral....Sat may be a good day to sample it...

Mate i only just put it in the fermenter last night :lol:

German brewer I got a Saison off of recently started at 30 and crept it up to 32???!!! Sounded crazy but when i tried the beer it was superb!!

Apparantly 30*c is the ideal temp for the Belgian Saison yeast :blink:

My starter ran in high 20/s and was not funky at all.

Its had 24 hrs of fermentation at 22, slowly creeping up to its current 25.

I think a jump to 30 is on store!

Let her rip i say :)

Yeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
Just tested the Saison. Its been at 30 deg since not long after it started and its gone from 1.057 to 1.040.

If it was US-o5 it would be done by now.

The head has dropped off the brew........ I will check it in another week to see if its still fermenting.

If it takes a month im prepared to wait, its tasting good so far.

Seem to remember something bout that in "brew like a monk", start off at lower temps, get through most of the fermentation then ramp her up as the krausen is falling in order to clean up what's left, prevents the forming of fusels at the start which can overpower the brew....lets the yeast finish cleanly at the end
Tony is it still going? I wrapped a towel around mine and the temp got up around the 30 mark, but I haven't taken a reading yet. Has been there for almost a week now, so hope to have it finish soon, it's been in the efrmenter for about 4 weeks now.
progress report.

The head died off it after 4 or 5 days fermenting when it got doen to about 1.040. Started at 1.057.

Its been at a constant 30 deg the whole time.

Shon the torch in it yesterday and its got a head on it again!

Took a sample and its down to 1.016!!!

Taste........ drying out, clean malt with a slight yeast funk to it. Not really "belgian"

Its more like a slight infection but in a nice way....... slightly acidic and pleasent. The sample was quite drinkable.

I have to go to PNG in 6 days, and i wont be back for alost 3 weeks, so when i get back it will be either really done or really infected at 30 deg for the next month.

fingers crossed!

Wellllllll im glad the yeast likes high temperatures.

I was going to work this morning, putting on my boots, and i noticed the temp had dropped from its roch sollid 30 deg to 28.8 overnight.

I have had troubles with my temp controllers and the pins in the back where they slide into their housing, geting a bad connection and giving me low readings. So i pulled the guts of the controller out, pushed down on the pisn to re tention them, and put it back in.

34.6 degc :eek:


That is the hottest i have ever fermented a beer and not tipped it out!
