your contents must be insured for its full replacement value. so even if you were given a brew setup for free, you need to insure it for how much it would cost to replace it from a standard retail shop, not "I know a guy who can get it cheap for me"
Iwould encourage everyone to check under their policies about limts on specific items. Usually, standard household items dont have a specific value, but some things are restricted to something like "$2,000 per item and up to 20% of your contents sum insured"
This information is general in nature and does not take into consideration your specific needs or circumstances etc etc blah blah...
.D.J has hit the nail on the head.
I worked for 40 years in insurance, the last 30 as a claims manager, so I hope I have some knowledge of this issue.
You do not need to specify every separate item, just make sure you have a sufficient total amount insured. You'd be surprised how much your total contents are worth once you do an inventory in each room/garage/store room/shed etc and calculate your total replacement values.
Make sure you carefully look at your policy as to which items you do need to specify. Usually it's items such as jewellery, works of art, items of virtu, or specific items of large value etc which need to be specified, and supported by valuations in some cases. These requirements differ between insurers.
The cost of insurance is a bit of a drag, but compared to your potential total loss, it's not really a hardship for most of us.