Is This Regulator Any Good..?

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Can anyone see any problems with this regulator (besides it being cheap CRAP that is!). The specs seem right from my research. What do you make of the outlet connection?


CO2 Threads
Valve connections

Im looking for a compact regulator for my portable rig. It would only get used occasionally, for dispensing only, with a soda stream bottle and adapter.

Yes I am aware of the dangers of compressed gas and co2.


Would it work, probably. Would I use it, most probably not. I've learnt the hard way, its better in the long run to just fork out a little bit extra to get something that will last a lot longer, and do a much better job (and won't explode in your face), then to get the cheapest thing only to replace it with somthing better down the road.
From what I can see in the pictures this looks like a flow limiter rather than a pressure regulator, intended to not hold pressure at the outlet.
I think if you set the gas up with this device the pressure would eventually balance between the bottle and the keg.
This is not a good situation.
As mentioned, get a proper reg and you will have no worries.
might be tricky to get 10-12 psi for dispensing when it has 100psi graduations on the dial
beerforal- think your right on it being a limiter, the 5th picture has text saying "easy to limit co2 lever", to bad. thanks for pointing that out.

Money is not the issue for me here (although its a bonus). I wanted something small and compact. I actually have a spare regulator but can't source a right angle adapter, I'm having real problems finding the parts even after a thorough trawl.

Right angled soda stream adapter

I want to build something similar to this


glab- that dial looks like the inlet gauge to me, I initially assumed the dial on top was in psi. it would have been for use for dispensing only using a flow restrictor tap (celli style) so serving pressure wouldn't really have been an issue.
It is a flow regulator,but it could be used as a serving press only device if you fitted a ball valve between the reg and your keg and only cracked opened the valve when you wanted to topup your pouring pressure,but if you got to pizzed and left it open you could end up with 1000psi in your keg
The PRV on the keg would kick in over about 130 psi I believe, but I digress!

Craftbrewer has THIS which I've seen in action, and if money is not an issue should suit your situation. Sure you can't use the SS cylinder with it, but it sure looks purdy... :wub:

The PRV on the keg would kick in over about 130 psi I believe, but I digress!

Craftbrewer has THIS which I've seen in action, and if money is not an issue should suit your situation. Sure you can't use the SS cylinder with it, but it sure looks purdy... :wub:


Mmmmmmmm shiny........

On a slightly related note, my keg build for Bin L. goes well.

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