I'm American, and I'm with you on this one. Unfortunately it's impossible to succeed in politics in the US (in all but a few places) unless you're a born again Christian who wears it on his sleeve. The chances of removing the overt and obviously unconstitutional phrase from US currency are exactly zero.
Part of the reason I'm more comfortable in Australia is that people don't generally make much of your religion or lack thereof. In America it's a defining part of everyone's identity. That made me sick even when I was being raised as a Catholic. Seems like in Oz, you believe what you believe and nobody else gives a ****.
I remember one time Mark Latham was on TV and some journo asked him about his religion. He flatly stated he was agnostic (or maybe atheist, I don't recall). I figured he was done for, because that would be a death sentence in American politics. But the journo just shrugged and I never heard of it again.
(Sorry for dredging an old topic-- I'm new to the site and just read this thread.)