Is Brewing An Addiction

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I don't like the word addiction. For me it has negative connatations attached to it.

I prefer to call it a passion. Its not a distraction from SWMBO cause i don't have a wife or GF for that matter.

The hours devoted including both formal and informal planning/dreaming per week is probably a good 10-15 hours a week, and thats brewing exclusive. Once the season hits though, times the time devoted by 1.5-2 and thats me.

It becomes an obsession after awhile,but not a true addiction.I spend around 4 hours a day trawling around different forums to get useful info. for my next brew.I would put it in the same category as getting tattoos done,it tends to take over you're life after a while.When you get to this stage it costs a shitload of money,so the bank account takes a battering,thats for sure. :D
Chippy said:
Put your beer psychologists hats on for a moment gents.
I was asked the question today of whether or not Beer Brewing is in fact and adiction.
Or maybe just a distraction from SWMBO. What are your thoughts on the subject? How many hours a week do you devote to this all consuming past time whether it be actual brewing time, computer discussions or planning your next masterpiece.

i never drank beer!!!!before i started brewing my own ive made a hand full of good batches and i was happy but some time i have a shit batch and i havent done anything different so many things can go wrong
definatly an addiction but better for u than heroin :p

I recon if the doc (Not the one on here) told me i couldnt drink i would still brew and give it to my friends

but then to tell the truth i wouldnt listen to the doctor either.

they can transplant kidneys and livers these days :)

Good Day
I am not addicted as long as I can brew at least once a fortnight and spend the rest of the time reading, browsing, talking, thinking and dreaming about brewing and beer. (and some quality analysis ie drinking brews).
My wife calls it an obsession. I call it a passion.
I don't even want to try and tally up the time I spend a week brewing, listening to beer related podcasts, reading and moderating forums, discussing beer, reading beer books and generating recipes and thinking of new equipment I want to build. :p

Tony said:
definatly an addiction but better for u than heroin :p


Tony if you can't afford heroin anymore the Govt will provide you with Methadone FOC!
How about some taxpayer funded relief for people with a brewing addiction!

I will state now for those of you without a sense of humour that I am taking the piss.

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