IPA lacking carbonation

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I bottled an IPA 15 days ago and it is dead as. Taste is real good but no carbonation. I followed instructions to the letter with primary and secondary fermentation, but no bubbles.
Is it likely to come OK.
All my other brews I have out down I usually start drinking at 10 days and almost have them finished by this stage (15 days)
Any constructive input much appreciated.
If its bottles, carbonation is a factor or temperature and time (and priming sugar of course - didnt forget it did you?). Has the temp dropped where you are, or moved this batch to a different spot? If they are cold, they will take longer to carb up. If you followed your usual routine, I'd say its the temperature.

There are many other possible, but far less possible reasons, such as dead yeast, not enough yeast.

You just need to add a bit of Vitamin T to your process.
*Edit - too slow damn*

Did you add any sugar for carbonation?
How did you prime the bottles?
I use carbonation drops so no I didn't forget that and I'm in Qld the temp was between 22 to 26 deg.
If you other brews are fine then its not your technique. Did you remember to put the right amount of drops into the bottles?
what size bottles you using ect... its one drop for 375ml bottle and 2 drops for the 450ml bottles and 1litre its 3. when u did the second fermentation was there any yeast in it if not that be your problem. i stay away from 2nd stage depends on what beer your doing but some people dont do it, myside ya should have just did 1stage and then bottled it. for bottling it keep it somewhere dark at 18-25 degrees.
Gerva said:
what size bottles you using ect... its one drop for 375ml bottle and 2 drops for the 450ml bottles and 1litre its 3. when u did the second fermentation was there any yeast in it if not that be your problem. i stay away from 2nd stage depends on what beer your doing but some people dont do it, myside ya should have just did 1stage and then bottled it. for bottling it keep it somewhere dark at 18-25 degrees.
Racking to secondary (if that's what Antex did when he says secondary fementation???? who knows) will still have enough yeast for bottling and carbing purposes. Its just a process to try and clear the beer quicker by getting it out of primary. Doesn't matter what type of beer your doing. You can either do it or not. You don't need to store your bottles in the dark....just don't use a clear glass bottle and store them in direct sunlight.
What's the ABV percentage? I have found that beers with a high ABV like Barleywines, Russian Imperial Stouts, and Triple IPA's, don't like bottle carbing for me. Anything near or over 10% ABV and all bets are off for me. Yeast must be all tuckered out!

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