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Howdy all the peoples from the great City of Hobart on the Great Island.

I got directed to this site by user 'Zizzle' :super:

I bought my first fermenter today, and have dumped a whole lot of stuff in it which would suggest it will turn out drinkable. I am not convinced.
Will see what happens, but will not get my hopes up.

Looks a great forum with much reading time ahead :)

My names Matt i'm currently from Toowoomba but moving to Sydney in December. I've only just got into home brewing around a month ago now and have bottled 4 batches:

Australian Old
Caramalt Pilsener
Irish Amber Malt Ale

I am looking forward to using everyones knowledge on here to help me brew better beer. Everyone on here has been really helpful so far. So thanks. Hopefully one day we can catch up for a beer.



My names Matt i'm currently from Toowoomba but moving to Sydney in December. I've only just got into home brewing around a month ago now and have bottled 4 batches:

Australian Old
Caramalt Pilsener
Irish Amber Malt Ale

I am looking forward to using everyones knowledge on here to help me brew better beer. Everyone on here has been really helpful so far. So thanks. Hopefully one day we can catch up for a beer.



Welcome Matt from Threewoomba, plenty of brewers on here from Sydney so your brewing efforts should progress well after the move, also lots of micro brewery tasting spots in Sydney.
I'm Bob and I have never brewed a beer in my life. However, I intend to start soon and I am looking for any good advice where to start.

I have spent 23 years in the RAAf so I have consumed a few ales around the place and I do not remember any that I did not enjoy.

I'm Bob and I have never brewed a beer in my life. However, I intend to start soon and I am looking for any good advice where to start.

I have spent 23 years in the RAAf so I have consumed a few ales around the place and I do not remember any that I did not enjoy.

Just go get yourself a Cooper's HB kit and follow some basic instructions that are NOT in the instruction manual:

1. Don't use the kit yeast, go to a homebrew shop and purchase a better yeast (SO-4 or US-56 for ales, 34/70 for lagers)

2. Ferment at about 16-18C for ales, forget about doing lagers if you don't have a fridge that can fit a fermenter maintain 8-10C, using a soft-walled cooler bag and some ice bricks is good for this, the 100 can coolers from k-mart are very good. You can get away with using a clean yeast (US56) for "lager" styles but if you want the real clean crisp lager taste you've gotta ferment cold and "lager" it which basically means store the beer at less than 4C for at least 3-4 weeks.

3. Use something other than 1kg of dextrose to start off with, try a mix of 50/50 light dry malt and dextrose to 1kg (ie. 500g of each)

4. If you like your beers to have a nice hoppy flavour, buy some hops and either add them into the fermenter or do a quick boil.

There's plenty more info and people willing to help, fill out your location if you haven't already and somebody close to you can probably help you get started and show you how it's done.
I'm Bob and I have never brewed a beer in my life. However, I intend to start soon and I am looking for any good advice where to start.

I have spent 23 years in the RAAf so I have consumed a few ales around the place and I do not remember any that I did not enjoy.

Welcome Rob,

Plenty of help available here and you'll find quite a few ex Raffies even a pusser or two. We'll have you drinking beer better that most of the commercial stuff real soon.
Greetings to everyone!

Managed to find this excellent forum recently and thought it was high time I introduced myself.

Ive been brewing for 12 months and im happy to say I learn something new everytime I log on here.

Favorite drops are IPA, PAs and Stouts.

See ya round

Porter House

p.s The porter house steak actually got its name porter house because it was the cut of steak that was served in Porter Houses (pubs) back in the day! :beer:
Hi Folks, I'd thought I'd jump right in and say hi. I'm a home brewer returning after a long absence from the hobby, I gave all my gear away about 15 years back.

I put down a Black Rock Nut Brown Ale in an old brewer and will bottle it in whatever I can find just to get a feel for what is out there these days.

If I get bitten by the bug then I'll doubtless get into it more, getting the appropriate gear and going into individualised recipes.

Am located in the Hurstville area and have found the brew shops in Kogarah and Peakhurst. Cheerz Wab.
Gday people,

C21 Brewing here or aka Brendan. Im originally from country Victoria but now live in Melbourne as a student studying political science. I started home brewing back at the end of 2002 with a mate of mine and for the years after that ive really only done a few here and then and haven't gotten really good at it (still not too bad); however this year ive been pumping out the brews and have started going partial-mash and I have 6 brews that ive only recently bottled;

Have one in a fermenter now (Golden Saaz Pilsener with Saaz hops, Lager Yeast and some all natural honey) and after I bottled that after this weekend ill be putting my first bock beer; will mix that with fuggles hops, english ale yeast, 1kg dark malt and some lactose (first time ive used it).

My mate and I are planning on saving some money and upgrading to all-grain this summer which will be awsome!! Also plan on working on our keg system (non-existant atm)...

Our plan in the end, is to be able to brew good enough beers to be able to sell them and setup our own microbrewery...

Apart from beer, I love football (AFL) and the mighty cats, cricket (bring on the Ashes!!), hanging around with friends, being with family, et cetera.

Hope all is well with everyone on here and let's keep the home brew juggernaught rolling on in the land down under!! :beerbang: :beerbang:
Hey Porter House, wabster and C21,

Welcome to the three of you, you've taken step 1 to making better beer. Cheers.
G'day all,
My name is Adam and i live in the Adelaide Hills. I have been brewing kit brews for about 10 years and currently looking into gettin organised to attempted AG brewing. There is sooo much info about it and at times very confusing on what you actually need to get started but im sure i will get there.

Hey there Everyone

Been looking around here lately for brewing tips & certanly this is the place to find it,So i thought i better say Hey & introduce myself.

My nick is Swans & name is George, Please to meet everybody

Havn't Brewed anything yet,But have my 1st in the Fermenter Right now.

It's a Coopers Ginger Beer , Alcohol version.
At the moment everything looks as if its going ok,Going by what Guidelines ive read here in this Forum. (VERY HANDY INDEED)

It's Bubbling at a steady pace every say 10 secs & holding a Steady Temp 22c - 24c.
So hope everything stays that way.

I live in The North West Australian Town of Pt Hedland & if you know this place ,you will know we get extreme weather here.
(Very hot conditions & Cyclonic Activity) this time of year, but i have excellent Ducted airconditioning to keep myself, family & home brew Cool.
P.S. God Help me if Cyclone hits & the electricty cuts out.

Cyclones? what can i say if a Cyclone come this way,well all i can say is BYE! BYE! Brew & maybe Bye! Bye! Home.

As you might have noticed my Nick Name is Swans & thats Simply because im a Mean one eyed A.F.L SydneySwans Fan & have been since they Were South Melbourne,thats all im gonna say bout that.

Anyway Glad to meet you all & pleased to be here, Looking forward to posting & taking in advice off others in the near Future.
Take Care All
Welcome aboard Swans. And as they say round these parts Welcome to the obsession.

Go Tigers
Welcome Swans, you in PH or South? For next year be sure you have heaps of home brew stashed away in a safe place, in case of cyclones, and get yourself a genny to run the fridge. Cyclones are far less stressful with a good supply of beer.
Welcome Swans, you in PH or South? For next year be sure you have heaps of home brew stashed away in a safe place, in case of cyclones, and get yourself a genny to run the fridge. Cyclones are far less stressful with a good supply of beer.

Yes I fully agree with you on that one Screwtop Need plenty for Cyclones BUT!!!

Beeing up this way the only place to get brew Kitts is K-Mart & i got the Only 1 left on Monday, was hopeing to get another so i had 2 brews going.
But i guess i'm stuck with my 1st & only one for now & oops yes I live in South Hedland m8 not Port As i put Cheers :beer:
hi my name is Aaron i'm from the southern suburbs of perth and have been on a 2 year absence from the sport of brewing, i'm back in the game and and hope to gain knowledge from this site as i already am, and make some tasty beer!
Welcome Aaron, good to see another southerner :) 2 years is a long time between beers!
Hi all,

I've been lurking on here for the past few days gulping down as much info as possible as I'm an absolute novice to HB'ing.

Started a month ago with a small Malt Shovel starter kit (father's day present which has been sitting around too long) and I was absolutely wrapped with result - I've now bought a couple more fermenters (larger 22L) and the current brew is my third so far.

I'm now addicted, I wake up thinking about HB, I watch the airlock, I sniff the airlock and I take way too many hydro readings as an excuse to taste.

Sticking with cans for the time being until I have a better understanding of what I'm doing, however with the current brew I used a different yeast and added some hops which I haven't done before.

I reckon I'll be pretty quiet on the forum as there is plenty of helpful info and thus far, for the stage I'm at, all of my questions have been answered.

G'day all,

Ben here. I live in Ipswich, Queensland. I've been homebrewing for about 6 years. Mostly sporadic. I tend to brew to make sure my stocks don't run out. I haven't brewed anything but kits, but I'm really keen on moving to kegs. I investigated doing all grain a couple of years ago, but it never really got off the ground. I tend to get bogged down on details, rather than just getting things done. I have a Coopers Bavarian Lager lagering in the fridge which will be 6 1/2 weeks old for christmas. I'm keen to see how it compares to the four stubbies left from last year's christmas brew (also a Bavarian Lager). I have brewed lagers, ales (dark and amber), honey-wheat, a stout.

Now that I'm finally in my own home, I'm planning on putting in a bar with homebrew on draught.

I really should put on some more brews to fill all those empty bottles, but I'm holding out for a keg system.
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