1) Didn't use COLD water to cool wort before adding yeast. Hence, wort spent probably 4-6 hours cooling on kitchen counter. OOPS
2) Added yeast when wort still @ ~28C. OOPS
3) Room temp was b/twn 16-19C, so I bought a warming band. Installed roughly 2-3 days after sealing fermenter. Temp then skyrockets to 28C. Damned thing's not adjustable. Stays @ 28C for remainder of fermentation.
4) Didn't measure alcohol content at beginning of fermentation, only after ~4 days. Next meaurement was ~2-3 days later, when I decided to bottle (~1006) I think.
5) After bottling, kept brew near heater, but covered. (My rental apartment is pretty cold!)
6) 12 Aug, inspection of bottle finds what appears to be "strands" of sediment rising from the bottom when bottle is gently turned. ("As the bottle turns...."???) Worried about infection.
7) 13 Aug, move bottles to storage closet under stairs. One week left! Hope it's drinkable!