Inner Sydney Brewers Club Next Meet - Black Olive, Earlwood.

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Thanks for taking the lead with this one mate. I shall be there this Saturday, for sure as funeral wont be til mid next week.

Cheers all.
OK heres the scoop , THE BLACK OLIVE is good to go for saturday arvo at 5pm , as linz said it will be cozy as its not the hugest place in town but i do know they make nice pizza's which run at about $15 a large , pasta's are about $10 , at least theyre the prices on the menu i have here , didnt scare the guy too much by tellin him that there are 12 home brewers comin but we did book for 12 so if we all turn up and like the place and behave nicely it could become a regular and maybe they will look after us on price in future who knows , they have fridges for beer etc , if you plan to bring a keg id suggest bringing it in a esky and not too big as room isnt in real abundance

also ben has suggested that we perhaps meet before hand across the train tracks from the black olive at the earlwood bardwell park RSL at about 3.30 for a chat and a drink beforehand ...

as previously requested please email me your RSVP..

cheers and see you all saturday...
if we keep goin there linz BOBS could be a goer ....
i havent had a lot of emails tellin me of who is comin or not , does that mean no one is gonna be there apart from the two who have said so ??
c'mon guys it only takes a minute to send a email...
Well to the guys who did turn up well done , i had to depart fairly early and im not sure if anyone turned up after i left but sadly our turn out was a bit disappointing only 4 of us present but having said that we had a good chat for a couple of hours and sample some quality brews , nice food, collected some knowledge and hopefully will be up for the next meet where ever that may take place ..

from what ive heard there was a bit going on yesterday in the brewing world which could account for the small turnout , not to worry these things happen, maybe next time we just need to have a look at the calendar a bit better and see what else is on at the time..

Thanks must go to the crew at the black olive for having a nice big table for us to sit at and being friendly and helpful...

also for those of you local to it the Earlwood Bardwell Park RSL looks like a decent place to stop by and have a drink,play the machines ,have coffee etc etc im told the bistro is good too but havent tried it myself ...

well that just about closes the matter for me on Meet #2 of the Inner Sydney Brewers

Cheers NED
Sorry about the no-show, was all revved up for it. Then a delay leaving Canberra completely stuffed it for me, didn't get back to Sydney until 9pm! See you at the next one though.
Yes, thanks Ned for organising it up. Enjoyed the beers and the chat (still can't get the taste of Ben's super hopped brew out of my head, very interesting).
Had my first crack at specialty grains and hops + kit on Sunday. Lot's of interested onlookers amongst the brood which quickly turned to complaints about the smell once the Saaz was put on the boil. OG came out a bit low @ 1032, not sure why, might post it in another thread.
Thanks again.
(still can't get the taste of Ben's super hopped brew out of my head, very interesting).

Heh well Stu liked it enough to take a bottle and the recipe :) Next time less hops, must remember that.

Was good to catch up, i'll have to get back to Malt Shovel for the November tour as the September one was booked out.
(still can't get the taste of Ben's super hopped brew out of my head, very interesting).

Heh well Stu liked it enough to take a bottle and the recipe :) Next time less hops, must remember that.

Was good to catch up, i'll have to get back to Malt Shovel for the November tour as the September one was booked out.

Hoppy - yes. Too hoppy - no. I happen to be drinking that beer right now. BTW, I plugged that recipe into Promash and it gave 65 IBUs rather than the 39 IBUs that Qbrew calculated in your recipe. :super:

Good to have a chat with all there on Saturday. Looking forward to the next one. :D
Hoppy - yes. Too hoppy - no. I happen to be drinking that beer right now. BTW, I plugged that recipe into Promash and it gave 65 IBUs rather than the 39 IBUs that Qbrew calculated in your recipe. :super:

Promash's FWH calculation is different - i work on 20mins which seems to be the consensus on Brewboard. There was 35-40g of FWH high-alpha hops in there so that would explain 65 with Promash's calcs. I think you have to put in -65% adjustment in promash for FWH. If i did it again i'd leave the extra bittering hops out and just go all FWH and 30,15,0 additions. :beerbang:

Anyway enough beer dissection :p
I'll send a mail RE the next meeting sometime today.

Sounds like a good meet filthy I had to miss it, but we all know how things go sometime.

Cheers all.

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