Independant Breweries

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I'm wanting to make a list of independant breweries(companies) that are listed on the Australian Stock Xchange...why? because I want to invest in them :D
If you have any info on these companies/breweries, can you all list here...Please ;)
So far I have...
(Business name/Company name/Stock code)
Little Creatures - Little World Beverages(LWB)
Mad Monk - Oz Brewing Ltd.(OZB)
Gage Roads - Gage Roads Brewing Co. Ltd.(GRB)
Colonial Brewing Co. - Empire Beer Group Ltd.(EEE)

I'm wanting to make a list of independant breweries(companies) that are listed on the Australian Stock Xchange...why? because I want to invest in them :D
If you have any info on these companies/breweries, can you all list here...Please ;)
So far I have...
(Business name/Company name/Stock code)
Little Creatures - Little World Beverages(LWB)
Mad Monk - Oz Brewing Ltd.(OZB)
Gage Roads - Gage Roads Brewing Co. Ltd.(GRB)
Colonial Brewing Co. - Empire Beer Group Ltd.(EEE)

that's it as far as I am aware, all the others are either privately owned (Coopers) or a subsidiary of a large major (ie Cascade owned by Fosters, Boags owned by Lion Nathan etc, Bluetongue owned by Coke)
their share price performance apart from LWB hasn't been great (ok, it has been really bad!), but there is a big difference between beer quality and market perception

Eumundi Group Limited (EBG) are classified as a brewer.

Here is their business desciption - Eumundi Group Limited Formerly known as Eumundi Brewing Group Limited. The Group's principal activity is the operation of Ashmore Tavern and the holding of property investments.

their share price performance apart from LWB hasn't been great
Perhaps now is a good time to buy whilst share price is low?
Eumundi Group Limited (EBG) are classified as a brewer.

Here is their business desciption - Eumundi Group Limited Formerly known as Eumundi Brewing Group Limited. The Group's principal activity is the operation of Ashmore Tavern and the holding of property investments.
Perhaps now is a good time to buy whilst share price is low?
you're right, they have slipped under the radar

Eumundi Group Limited (EBG) are classified as a brewer.

Here is their business desciption - Eumundi Group Limited Formerly known as Eumundi Brewing Group Limited. The Group's principal activity is the operation of Ashmore Tavern and the holding of property investments.

Perhaps now is a good time to buy whilst share price is low?

Yes, my sentiments exactly.

I received a letter from my Super Fund stating I can now choose an option to invest in the ASX and so I thought fantastic, I can now invest in some brewing companies, so whom ever I invest in I will be drinking their brews as a first option.
All seems good cents ;) to me...
OT: I had a Gage Roads Lager over Christmas and it was terrible! I do not know if I got a bad batch, or maybe the bottle was mistreated. But I could not finish the bottle....
For some reason I was under the impression that Lion Nathan is the major shareholder in Little Creatures, is that true? Or have I heard something incorrectly somewhere along the line?
Not that you should let that stop ya, maltaddict, I am reasonably sure that LN dont put their money into something they think will lose them money...
All the best
For some reason I was under the impression that Lion Nathan is the major shareholder in Little Creatures, is that true?

Dunno about the %'tage - but about 5 years ago AFAIK (maybe a little more) LC was looking to expand and put in a plant in Vic. They needed cash to do so. The LN injection was to fund this but the Dev App and other issues prevented the move and the $$'s were put back into expansion into markets serviced via WA Brewery.

They are now tackling the Vic expansion again aren't they?

Lion Nathan own 34% of LWB via one of their subsiduaries (Anglo-Gaelic Pty Ltd).
And yes, the Victorian project is going ahead.
you could always invest in me :lol: Then i can build a big shiny BIAB Brewery with a huge no chill container. LOL
Just a thought....

Yeah but I want to make money, not loose it :eek:

Just had a look at Eumundi Group...seems like a worthwhile investment. Anyone been to the Ashmore??
(took a while to write this, helpin a mate with some work on his boat)
Well I'm going to have to look into this a lot Super Fund doesn't have any of the companies available, except for Lion Nathan :angry:
Mind you if I was simply looking at money prospects it probably is not too bad an investment...?? But I just don't like Lion Nathan, I have my reasons!
Might look at Foster's :( Or changing my Super Fund...

Anyone want to throw in some suggestions...?
Yeah but I want to make money, not loose it :eek:

Just had a look at Eumundi Group...seems like a worthwhile investment. Anyone been to the Ashmore??
(took a while to write this, helpin a mate with some work on his boat)

As far as I know the Eumundi Group now have nothing to do with brewing, only Pub management.
They neither make nor own Eumundi Lager.
I'm not optimistic about how independant breweries who brew niche beers can hope to compete with the megaswill merchants who compromise on ingredients in order to save a few dollars per hectolitre and brainwash the drinking public with mass marketing campaigns. Personally I prefer to "invest" in them by buying their products in preference to the usual suspects. Probably the only way you would get a decent return on such an investment would be if one of the majors buys them out, and we all know what happens to the beer quality after that takes place.
I'm not optimistic about how independant breweries who brew niche beers can hope to compete with the megaswill merchants who compromise on ingredients in order to save a few dollars per hectolitre and brainwash the drinking public with mass marketing campaigns. Personally I prefer to "invest" in them by buying their products in preference to the usual suspects. Probably the only way you would get a decent return on such an investment would be if one of the majors buys them out, and we all know what happens to the beer quality after that takes place.

I'm actually having a personal dilema now...I would prefer to invest(support if you will) in the independant operators, however I am limited in what shares I am able to purchase through my Super Fund. Now don't get me wrong I think some products produced by the majors(e.g. James Squire's products) are quite good, yet I am not a fan of Lion Nathan! If I am simply thinking as the majors do, i.e. making money then obviously I should look no further than investing in them...
I know many here would just say buy into the majors and be done with it, but I do have morals hence my dilema. Obviously not everyone would know of how companies operate but with regards to the majors, I do!
I should explain why I don't like's mainly due to the Cooper's fiasco not too long ago whereby LN offered to buy shares from Cooper's shareholders, offering them a price which was significantly below the market value and telling them it was a good deal - Downright Liers!! It's this dishonesty that I despise :angry: and how can I support this sort of action?
Also LN was banned(written in the will) from being able to bid on Independant Distillers because the owner also despised them...but that's another story...

It's investments from shareholders that allow the operators to make investments within the companies, i.e. Advertising, Materials, etc. and not just through product sales.
Anyway I'm going to have to give this some serious thought :unsure:
Don't forget Coopers is publicly listed these days.
megaswill merchants who compromise on ingredients in order to save a few dollars per hectolitre and brainwash the drinking public with mass marketing campaigns.

Back when Nicotine was King (was there a Rothmans Open? cause it was amateur in those days..) the tobacco industry argued that their huge advertising budgets were all about "brand change" and not about promotion of smoking by making it look sophisticated, now given that the tobacco industry was and is controlled by only a few companies, that was all a bit hollow. Tobacco advertising for the most part is banned but the smokers still persist, and new ones join the market every day.
If, in those far off days you were in a habit of, for whatever reason, examining the innards of what were called "Tailors" you found a lot of very dry, finely chopped (as opposed to cut) tobacco with lots of what were clearly finely chopped woody bits, quite different from the "ready rubbed" rollie tobacco which itself was a step down from flake tobacco which you rubbed yourself.
Clearly the tailor made cigarettes were made with inferior cuts and no doubt still are.
Today a few companies rule the beer (and indeed alcohol world). They may claim to advertise for brand change, not the point.....please show me evidence that the "megaswill" lot in Australia source and use inferior barley, inferior hops, have inferior quality control. When there is a shortage of premium grade malting barley the big two use muscle to buy the very best, the very best actually reduces their manufacture costs as they are assured of consistency.
Just my two stubbies worth.

You've given me a great idea; craft cigarettes.

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