* Get yourself one of those battery powered auto baby rockers with the vibrating function - money well spent I tells ya.
Well put Dave70. Point #4 gave me a giggle, cause I felt the same way, was sooooo glad I never had to get up during the night
Good on ya mate.
As a first time baby owner of just over four months my self, allow me to impart a few observations.
* Lack of sleep is almost like a subversive dissenter trying to overthrow your very sanity.
* Hangover duration and severity now have me drinking glasses of water to round the night off.
* Brain fog has me forgetting everything I don't scribble on the back of my hand.
* My wife's bullish determination to breast feed has been a blessing.
* Everyone else knows what's best, you'll be getting advice from all and sundry - graciously accept it - then discard it in favor of your own instinct and judgment.
* If people want to buy you stuff, suggest disposable nappies and nursery wipes.
* Don't let well meaning visitors wake baby up for a cuddle - the more overtired they get, the harder they are to settle - oh yeah..
* They out grow clothes faster than the Hulk. My young bloke is moving into '0' sized attire already, basically rendering half his wardrobe useless.
* Get yourself one of those battery powered auto baby rockers with the vibrating function - money well spent I tells ya.
* The first time they look up and smile, you may find you have 'something in your eye'..
Good luck, its the greatest!
I would rather (and have) get up several times a night to bottle feed our baby rather than see my lovely wife sit with frustration as to why nature did not bless her with the natural ability to breast feed. Let alone a hungry screaming baby suckling at something that could not sustain him. As much as my wife would have dearly loved to breastfeed both of our boys it was simply not to to be. And afterall ffs, she carried (uncomfortably) both our babies for 9 months each, if i cant lug my fat arse out of bed every so often to tend to our baby childs needs; then i'm just a lazy prick. I equally shared this workload with my wife and i really feel an infinity with both my boys because of it, something i would never give up. My youngest 11mths is exceptional, and the oldest (7yrs) is extremely intellectual, above most in his class. And exceptionally sportsminded, plays above his age in club footy. In summary, i'd have it no other way, and i know i sat up often in the wee hours with both my boys to ensure they got sustenance. I mean after all blokes, in the scheme of things...its not that hard.Another one who agrees with this sentiment........If the government really wanted to lift breastfeeding rates in this country they should target the men to encourage them to support their wives.....No bottles to wash, never have to get up for a midnight feeding session, no need to lug around the extra weight of bottles/formula, more money saved for brewing.......It's a no brainer..
Now you're just scaring him...I just brew on Saturday nights. It usually means ending up getting to bed at 1:30 or so, but I enjoy it. You will find ways to work around it...
Now you're just scaring him![]()