If the English Test Team were a beer, what kind of beer would they be?

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87 Warning Points. Bad Boy!
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Ballarat - VIC
Judging by their current performance, and their most recent while on tour in Australia, I'd be inclined to say something like a Corona. Yellow, weak as piss and with a skunky smell.
American Light Lager, because they're PISS WEAK.
Next morning dregs; flat, lifeless and stale.
They're more like homebrew.
Sometimes amazing sometimes complete ****.
Plus there's only a small minority that actually have an appreciation for them.
A cider; with fruit extract.
A middie of low alcohol shandy with a straw and umbrella
The beer in the drip tray because it does not catch very well, makes a mess when pace is involved and only gets washed once a week.
They don't have a test team.

They're all apprentices trying out for a game on some English Village Common Green.

No way are they like any beer, more like a flat soda water.
They are very much akin to the brew my local pub makes...oh wait, my local pub does not make beer.....
The pommie cricket team don't play cricket...
So I would say they would be a non existent beer in a non existent location fuelled only by the pissy minds of drunken barmy pommie bastards drinking megaswill in the sun.......

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