I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

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here is my racking setup

it start at the top, than second fermenter in the middle, than when ready for kegging bottom level..
to easy suits me and fits in a small laundry..

oh yeah 006.JPG008.JPG009.JPG
I could have used that today when filtering into a keg.

As it was, I balanced the fermenter on top of another empty one sitting on the kitchen bench, with the filter on a chair and the keg on the floor.

Well done...

here is the best shot of the RACKING TOWER in full it took me a bit to move in to view but hope you guys like it...??010.JPG
looks like what I had sketched plans for, only 'in-the-flesh'. Well done (Wanna Selll it?) :rolleyes:

Looks like you brew 'Washsalon Beir' too (my wife hates me taking up space in the laundry, but I aint bugeing)

looks like what I had sketched plans for, only 'in-the-flesh'. Well done (Wanna Sell it?) :rolleyes:

Looks like you brew 'Washsalon Beir' too (my wife hates me taking up space in the laundry, but I aint bugeing)


this mini tower only took up 500 by 500 ml and after the pics i installed ceramic tiles on the floor and will eventually fill the sides in to make a really natural cool ling col room in my very airated laundry
Hi Mark,

Looks good. Do you pump to the top rack or lift? I can see a big mess coming up if you lift (late night, beer consumption, wet slippery hands)


Thats cool looks like it would come in handy
Hi Mark,

Looks good. Do you pump to the top rack or lift? I can see a big mess coming up if you lift (late night, beer consumption, wet slippery hands)



That looks like a 60L fermenter up top. How do you get it up there if you don't pump it?
Do you also bench press the family car in quiet times?

Edit: OK, so it's not a 60L, but still it's a lot of weight to lift that high.
Nice work! Sure as hell beats my setup for last year - fermenters in my wardrobe, racking to one on the ground with the wardrobe door opened [racking going on behind it] so if somone stumbled in from the faculty I wouldn't be up the proverbial creek...although a few beers would probably have turned them away pretty easy haha.
i lift it up it only weights 20kg

for guys and girls with a bad back that still pretty heavy :icon_cheers:

looking good and love the nomoregaps......

cheers amita
May be a very dumb question... but is one of the reasons for this so you don;t have to move the fermenter when it is complete primary when putting it in a keg. I have to lift my fermenter out of the fridge to get the height required ? Is this a mistake ?

May be a very dumb question... but is one of the reasons for this so you don;t have to move the fermenter when it is complete primary when putting it in a keg. I have to lift my fermenter out of the fridge to get the height required ? Is this a mistake ?


Your right on the money and it is also a storage solution, its just easier when the brew starts to chuck it straight up top then rack to second tub then when secondary fermantation is complete straight to keg on the lower shelf than its just a meter lift to the right and into the fridge
what do you mean amatuer

it does the job and looks alright from here

good work
Your right on the money and it is also a storage solution, its just easier when the brew starts to chuck it straight up top then rack to second tub then when secondary fermantation is complete straight to keg on the lower shelf than its just a meter lift to the right and into the fridge

It looks great. You are handy with the timber work. Just quickly, I was wondering about your secondary fermentation. Do you rack to the secondary for sediment clearing or do you add more "sugars (DME whatever..)" as in bulk priming before kegging?

Cheers :icon_chickcheers:
It looks great. You are handy with the timber work. Just quickly, I was wondering about your secondary fermentation. Do you rack to the secondary for sediment clearing or do you add more "sugars (DME whatever..)" as in bulk priming before kegging?

Cheers :icon_chickcheers:

I rack to the second tub and add finings and 3 teaspoons of sugar

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